Chapter Three: The Storm.

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Regina sat in her red recliner eyes narrowed until they were like catlike slits, "Emma what's the matter?", there was no attempt a sympathy rather it seemed to be a irritated response to the noise.

"I made the cheer team.", She said still a bit breathless, and trying to keep her voice even.

Regina got up her brown eyes scanning Emma, "Your blushing.".

"I-uh", Emma stuttered nervously. "I'm not.".

"Your lips are swollen.", Regina continued, "Whose the guy?".

"It's no one really. I'm sure it won't happen again.", Emma tried avoiding the question.

~    ~    ~

"But why isn't she talking to me? I didn't even want to be on the team or tryout!", Emma asked.

Elsa hesitated before responding, the awkward silence on the line made Emma twirl the phone line nervously. "I think thats why she's mad. You didn't want to be on the team, you didn't want Killian but both managed to fall into your lap. I mean it's kind of infuriating to be honest.".

"Why does Killian matter? Does Ruby like him?"

"No.", Elsa responded quickly, "Well.. no more than anyone who just looks at him. He's pretty attractive Em.".

"So what should I do?"

"Nothing. Let her calm down. She'll realize she's being irrational soon enough. In the mean time, what are you doing tomorrow?", Elsa always was able to look at things more clearly than either Emma and Ruby, not allowing her emotions to influence her decisions as much.

"I don't know yet. Why?"

"You should come and get coffee with me. I need to go dress shopping too, and I rather do it with you than my dad."


~    ~    ~

"You kissed him!", Elsa squealed from across the table.

Emma quickly glanced around to be certain no one from their school was there, "Sh. And yeah."

"How was it?"

"It was,", she began thoughtfully struggling with putting it into words, "Different.", she said thoughtfully.

"Different?", Elsa questioned curiously, her ice blue eyes narrowed.

Emma shifted a bit uncomfortably in her seat taking her Chai Tea in her hands and drinking it. "Different.", she affirmed.

"That's not very descriptive.".

She grinned coyly, "No it's not.".

Emma watched Elsa's eyes widen from across the table, when she moved to turn to see what her friend was gaping at Elsa motion for her not to. "What?", Emma asked irritated.

"Killian. He's here.", Elsa said softly her eyes obviously following him.

Emma rolled her eyes got up from her seat, and sure enough he was waiting in line to order. She marched over to him despite Elsa's protests, tapped him on the shoulder, "Are you following me now?", she asked.

Killian grinned at her, giving her a once over and than returning her gaze, "No. I just wanted a coffee.".


"I'd admit if I were following you lass but I assure you I am doing no such thing.", He continued still grinning.

Emma huffed and walked back over to Elsa who was grinning herself, "What?", Emma huffed.

Elsa said nothing but gave her this look as she drank her water, it wasn't long before Killian decided to sit with them. "Hey, Killian.", Elsa welcomed.

"Your not sitting here.", Emma said as he took the seat.

"I believe I am.", he responded.

Elsa snickered. "Don't you have anything better to do?", Emma asked.

He wiggled his eye brows as his grin widen, "I do. Things that involve you and my bed.".

Emma widened her eyes now in shock, her face turning bright red, "Excuse me?".

"Or any piece of furniture would do. Table, counter, wall even...", his pupils seemed to be getting bigger and Emma felt herself gulp.

She got up from the table and slapped him, he looked at her in shock, "Emma-", Elsa hissed.

Emma didn't wait for a response rather walked away only to have Killian and Elsa chase after her, Killian of coarse caught up to her first. "Go away.", She commanded.

He didn't budge, "I'm sorry love. I truly meant it in good nature. Just simple teasing.", he said apologetically.

"I don't care.", she turned away and he only yanked her back.

"You obviously do. Tell me why did those things bother you so?".

Neal. Rape. Can't share. Hurt. Her mind hissed and she couldn't bring herself to say anything. She took a deep breath regaining her composure, "You right I over reacted.", Her voice sounded hallow to her own ears.

"Swan I didn't-", he began only to be cut off with her kiss. She didn't want to talk, didn't want him to try and cover anything or make her fall for him. She didn't want to deal with emotions or words, because even a year later they still hurt to much. "Thats the second time you've kissed me.". He said after the kiss was broken.

Emma felt breathless, "And?", she asked. "Do you have a problem with that?".

"Not at all.", This time he yanked her into a kiss.

They had started a game, a game of touch and contact. Testing how much they could push each other, each one pushing just a bit further. This game lasted weeks, until one afternoon Emma got trapped in a thunderstorm.

The winds howled angrily, tornado like ripping at her viciously. She'd managed to get lost on her way walking home from cheer practice. Despite her best efforts she couldn't get out of it, Sophia wouldn't let her. Being the only girl on the team who didn't have a car or a friend on the team who had a car she was forced to walk home.

It wasn't long before the sky decided to let down upon her. Cracks of thunder and lightening here and there causing her to jump. She was already drenched head to toe, her blonde hair plastered to her face and her cheer uniform stuck to her skin. Her phone was also dead making it impossible to call anyone for a ride, so she was force to walk home.

"Emma?", She heard Killian ask. Emma turned in surprise as he slowed on his motorcycle beside her.

"Yep.", was all she could say desperately wishing for some way to cover herself.

He continued slow beside her on his Harley, "Do you want a lift?", he asked incredulously himself.

Wordlessly he stopped as she went and hopped on the back hugging him tightly and burying her face into his neck for warmth. Killian himself was soaked his hair dripping, and he wasn't much warmer than her.

It wasn't long before the Harley sputtered and stopped working. Forcing them to walk, "There's a hotel a bit ahead, were going to have to stay there for the night.".

Emma jerked to look at him, "I'll be murdered.".

"Swan, try and trust me?", He pleaded.

They arrived at a run down hotel, Emma waited as Killian came back with a key. "Please tell me it has two beds."

"I don't know.", He responded and she could tell he meant it earnestly. "It was the least expensive room."

Hey guys! What do you think is going to happen? Also please comment and vote! Love to know if you guys like this!

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