Blue Moon.

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    They sat in silence Emma had come here full of adrenaline and anger but the second she saw Killian it all disappeared. He had looked at her so earnestly, so full of hope and anguish that every plan she had vanished. "I believe you." She had told him them and he smiled and pulled her into a warm hug, she wouldn't allow it to linger.
    Now they sat and if she even glanced at Liam she felt her blood begin to boil beneath her skin, so rather she kept her gaze out on the balcony Windows and the streets below. "Emma." Liam said softly, apologetically.
    "I know your the wolf." Emma said still keeping her eyes on the window. "And I also know in order not to turn I have to kill you." Now she allowed her eyes to meet his. He was staring at her his mouth a bit agape but he shut it on her gaze his jaw locking tightly.
    "Are you going to?" Killian asked entering into the conversation he was seated next to his older brother on the couch.
    "I haven't decided." She said her eyes still on Liam and she watched him gulp with unease.
    "Do you know what yesterday night was?" Killian asked. "Do you know what tonight is?".
    "It's a blue moon." She said looking to Killian.
    "That means, tonight is a full moon. And I'm imploring that you decide to take the higher road and not kill my brother and if you don't, well tonight you'll be different."
    Her eyes finally left Liam's, "What do you mean?".
    "The effects of a blue moon don't make you turn... But it makes things interesting. You'll be different. It makes Liam act more like me. Ying and Yang effect if you will."
    Emma felt herself start to tremble, "I need to go.". She got up from the couch and before Killian could stop her she darted out.

~    ~    ~
    Emma watched the sun go down and the moon come up. She watched sitting on a rooftop of the local sheriff station, no one had been bothered by it, many of the local kids did it. Then she clenched her hands into fists until she drew blood.
We have to give her best chance. Echoed in her mind now, and instantly she recognized the familiar voice of one of her teachers. She had never said that and so Emma brushed it off. Deciding she had enough to worry about and better not to add to the list. And Emma watched the moon large in the sky change precisely at midnight from an off-white to blue.
    The air instantly felt different.
~    ~    ~
    Killian had been pacing for hours after Liam had left searching for Emma, thinking maybe he could find her before midnight so she wouldn't face it alone and now at one am he wondered if he had found her. And had decided to do what he would do, kiss her and have his way with her. He wanted her. He truly wanted her, and now he couldn't stand by and let his brother have her. Then there was the sound of the door unlocking, and he braced himself for seeing Emma and Liam together or a drunken Liam.
    Neither sights greeted him. Rather, it was Emma in a faded light blue hoodie, white tank, and jeans. She smiled when she saw him, "What are you doing here?" He asked.
    "I tried to call you... I don't think I'm... Different. I feel the same." She said this as her blonde eyebrows knitted together with confusion.
    He grinned, "That's bloody amazing." Killian beamed.
    For once she was the one to raise a questioning eyebrow, "Bloody" she teased grinning and he could tell she herself was relieved. Emma walked over then, each step seemed to take hours but then she was within reach and he did reach twining his arms around her waist as she let her's rest behind his head.
    He tilted his head down so his lips just hovered above her's this position allowed there noses to brush and he could tell the slightest touch made her shiver and he grinned. "I love you.".
    Now she pulled his lips down to her own, "I'm sorry for everything." She mumbled her bottom lip wavering a bit as they kissed.
    He shook his head, "No need to apologize Swan.".

~    ~    ~
    "So why do you think the bite didn't take?", She asked sitting in the dining room, they'd spent the night together. They hadn't done anything but sleep though both exhausted from everything that had happened.
    Killian shook his head glancing down at his coffee mug, "I don't know.".
    The door flew open, both expected to see Liam but rather an angry Regina Mills stormed in, in a pant suit. Emma jumped up, "You know about magic." The older woman spat.
    Emma nodded and Killian stood up putting out a hand in front of her, "She got bit by a werewolf I had to tell her.".
    Regina shook her head, "If you had come to me, I could've told you not to worry. That there was no need to mention to her anything because of who she is it wouldn't affect her.".
    Emma moved past Killian now, "Why would that be?".
    "Because your the savior Emma Swan. Which means I have to kill you, which I was hoping to avoid but now it seems you've left me with no other choice."

SOOOO Let me know what you guys think as always, I hope you liked the chapter as this story is actually beginning to draw to a close. Comment and vote! Thanks! Xoxo

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