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"You shouldn't have left her there alone!! You know that this town has magic!", Emma heard Killian screaming angrily before she had even opened her eyes.
Pain, hot burning pain. Emma could also hear monitors beeping, and the slow steady drip of an IV. "I know, I was careless, and I regret it enough already.", Liam said.
"You guys are too loud.", Emma said softly, her throat felt dry, her lips chapped and burning she licked them. They both immediately silenced themselves and she opened her eyes, both were in the same clothes as she'd last seen them.
Killian immediately sat down on the side of her bed, he gave Liam a stern look and he looked pleadingly at her for a moment before leaving. He stroked a strand of her hair away from her face, "My Swan...", she looked at him a bit confused, "there's a lot you need to know.".
"I heard you- about the magic. There's no such thing."
Killian looked sad, the kind of expression he wore was similar to watching a injured bird try over and over to fly to escape. "Emma, listen to me for once.", his voice was stern but not unkind, "Can you try to not argue with me?", the corner of his mouth tipped up a bit at that and she nodded. "There's magic, everything you thought you knew you didn't. All the stories you've been told are true. Sophia didn't drug you, she spelled a dust and blew it on you. Regina told us we had to hide it from you, because if you knew the truth she'd kill you."
"Your insane.", she tried, "Or I'm dreaming.", Emma stated incredulously.
"I thought that would be your response. But Emma you have to believe. For your own sake."
She shook her head trying to wave his words away, "Why do I?".
His expression became dark and he glanced at her, she looked at it covered in gauze in confusion, "The thing that attacked you, what do you think it was?".
"A wolf" she responded.
"Close. Wolves though have smaller canines then that.".
"Please don't tell me it was a werewolf and I'm in danger of becoming one."
When he didn't respond her eyes widened and she shoved him off the bed, "Get out!", she shrieked.
"Emma please-"
~ ~ ~
The hospital only kept her for a couple days to make sure she was stable. Emma didn't want to go back to the condo, she didn't want to be around Liam; who'd left her or Killian, so she went to Elsa's.
"My parents are okay with you being here for a few days. I told them Regina went out of town.", Elsa said shutting the door to her room, she seemed mildly annoyed.
"Thank you."
"Ruby wants to come over and see you.", Elsa said taking a seat next to her on the bed.
Emma looked at the other girl in surprise, "Really?".
"Yeah, she's already on the way. The whole school heard about the attack."
"I'm sorry I've drifted away from you both."
"I would say it's okay, but it really isn't." Elsa said her gaze unrelenting.
Emma didn't know how to respond, it was unusual for Elsa to be upset. It wasn't long though before Ruby materialized in the doorway. Dressed in dark leather pants and a red based flannel, Ruby's seemed watchful her eyes immediately going to her wrapped up arm. Then a sheepish smile appeared on her lips as she sat to Emma's other side, "How are you?".
Emma let out a pithy laugh, "I've been better.".
Elsa and Ruby exchanged a look and Ruby shifted a bit on the comforter taking her arm gently, "May I?", Ruby asked. Emma nodded, Ruby carefully peeled the covering, she herself had never seen the womb but when it was peeled back there was only a scar, while Elsa gasped Ruby didn't seemed at all surprised.
"I was at the hospital just this morning...", Emma was in shock staring at the womb. "I swear.", her mouth felt dry.
"I believe you Emma. Did the wolf bite or scratch you?"
"Bite.", Emma responded unevenly still gapping at the wound. If she focused on it long enough the memory of the pain emerged.
"Emma I need to tell you something.", Ruby began, "You know how in twilight there's werewolves?"
Emma jumped up, "Not you too.", she said forcibly.
Ruby glanced at Elsa momentarily, "I can show you.". Emma was already shaking her head, already deciding she wanted to race out. Before she had the chance grabbed her by her shoulders and held her there. In seconds Ruby's figure changed from female to a large wolf-like creature. She wasn't sure how she was able to remain standing much less conscious watching.
Ruby almost immediately shifted back, "Is that going to happen to me?", Emma managed to say.
Ruby gave her a sympathetic look, "Considering the healing...", she mumbled staring at the mark.
"Isn't there a way to fix it? To reverse it?", Emma asked.
"Kill the wolf who turned you before the next full moon.", Ruby returned.
"Do you know who bit me?"
"You were with Liam correct?", Emma nodded and she grimaced, "Liam."

~ ~ ~
"Do you think she knows?", Liam asked sheepishly to his brother across the table.
Killian ran his hand through his hair, "I don't think so. I just- how did you forget?".
Liam shook his head, "I don't know.".
"Do you wish I hadn't... Hadn't had Ruby's mother bite you?"
Liam chuckled causing Killian to grin and he reached across the table and grabbed his brother's hand, "Sometimes. But you saved my life.".
After the poisoning in Neverland the brothers returned to the Enchanted Forest where Killian Jones took his brothers corpse to the wolves asking for assistance asking for them to share their gifts. Upon the bite Liam Jones did not stir and his brother then abandoned hope casting him off into the sea. For a hundred years he knew his brother parishes rather though on the next full moon his brother had been revived and washed ashore. Beginning a journey of searching all realms for his own little brother.
"Emma should know.", Killian said now pulling his hand away. "Despite the danger it may pose to you, she has the right to know what happened last night.".
Liam nodded, "If we can get her to talk to us.", at that there was a knock on the door. Killian got up and opened it and there the blonde headed teenaged Emma Swan stood arms crossed.
"Where is he?", She sneered.

DUN DUN DUN!! So do you guys think she will kill him??? What do you think will happen next? Please comment and vote! Love reading your guys comments on the last couple chapters, you guys are amazing! Xoxo!

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