Chapter Seven: Just You and Him

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For days, you cannot put yourself to focus on your schoolworks. Every time you would try focusing, he would just slip in your mind and distract you.

But it was just a miracle that you passed your Math exam despite the fact that he was in your mind, busy in distracting you.

After finding out the results of your exam, you immediately rushed home and took a long nap. The moratorium week was hectic for you, sometimes you would come to school looking groggy and disheveled.

That only meant you didn't sleep the whole day.

But now, all you could do was embrace the sleep that was taken away from you. You were even thankful that your school granted a two-day break from school since it was pretty hectic for all the students who took their exams. They needed extra rest.

As your head hit your white and fluffy pillow, you heard your phone ring. You picked it up and unlocked it.

It was a message from your Senpai.

Hey, congrats for passing on your exams!

You reply, All thanks to you ;)

Yes, you were thanking him for helping you pass. Not just because he distracted you, it was because he stayed with you all night, helping you in reviewing your lessons.

While you reviewed, he prepared your food and took it to you upstairs. You two ate together and he helped you on lessons that you had difficulty with. Thank goodness that he had a long temper and patience or else he would've left you in the middle of a math equation that you're stuck with and had no hope of ever understanding it.

But, its all thanks to him that you finally understood math. Your mind set about that cursed subject was changed when he thought you all that he knows.

Yandere Dev, The Math Saviour.

You were about to close your eyed when you heard the doorbell ring. You groaned at the sound of it but eventually stood up to see who it was.

You reached your front door. You twisted the doorknob and opened it to reveal him, standing on your porch.

"Hello y/n." He greeted with a smile.

"H-hello." You greeted back weakly. You really needed that sleep.

Nevertheless, you let him enter.

"You look really tired." He commented, closing the door.

"I am not tired. Really." You sarcastically replied, pointing at the bags under your eyes. You widen your eyes, trying to keep awake but failed miserably.

"You are." He then scooped you into his arms and carried you all the way to your room. You blushed madly, feeling the warmth emanating from his body.

He laid you down on your bed, slipping the blankets above your body. You smiled up at him, thanking him for taking care of you.

He climbed on the other side of your bed and brushed your hair with his fingers. Soon, you fell on a dreamless sleep.

He watched you sleep, a small smile slowly creeping up his face. His fingers moved to your cheek, gently caressing it. Then your lips, he traced the outline of your lips with those fingers, with one thought in his mind.

What does this soft lips of her feel on mine?

He shook off the thought, chuckling to himself. What a silly thought that was.
Then, you pull his arm, hugging it like a stuff toy. A pink tint crept up his cheeks as he saw you hugging it. You then move closer to him, your leg wrapping with his other leg.

He had no choice but to sleep with you for today.


You woke up the next morning because of the sun's rays lighting your closed eyes.

Your morning face turned to a shocked one when you noticed where your head was placed.

It was on his chest and his arm was lazily draped on your body. Your leg was wrapped around his and your hands were touching something hard.

His stomach was hard. You felt the pack under his shirt and you blushed hard like your face was a tomato.

You stared up at his face, his mouth was slightly open and that earned you a silent chuckle. You took the time to analyse his facial features.

You gulped at the sight, so angelic. Yet, fate had other plans. He slowly opened one eye, followed by the other and looked down upon seeing you, slowly drowning on his facial features.
You widened your eyes upon seeing him awake. You get out of the arm that was holding you and stood up.

"U-uh, morning..." You say nervously.

"Morning y/n." He sat up.

How can he be so cool?

"I-I'll just... Prepare breakfast." You excused yourself and went downstairs to the kitchen.

You swore that you heard him let out a chuckle by the time you closed the door.


You finished cooking your set of pancakes as he entered the kitchen, smelling like your shampoo.

He had showered up using your things.

"Sit down." You told him after setting the plates down the table. "I'll just shower up."

He sat down and ate while you got back to your room, taking your clothes and went straight to the bathroom. You showered and changed there, noticing that he indeed used your shampoo.

By the time you got back on the kitchen, he was still eating. You sat across him and ate your own set of pancakes. While eating, you felt that his eyes were fixated on you, and this bothered you so much that you began to eat faster than usual.

He chuckled at your instinct and continued eating. You finished first and put your plate on the sink. You turned around to leave but you almost bumped into him.

He stared at you, specifically on your eyes while slowly putting his plate on the sink.

He inched towards you, while you backed away, hitting the counter. You were cornered and he was still inching towards you. You feel that your breath was being cut every time he moves near you. His face still inched towards yours, noses touching. You could feel his warm breath on your lips and your breath was cut again.

He decided to close the space between you. He closed his eyes and his lips almost touched yours. You braced yourself for whatever may come. In your mind, you were prepared, but in reality you were not.

One more centimeter and it'll seal your distance with him



Welp hello there. This is like, one of the longest chapters I've created XD

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