Chapter 3

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You could pack a lot of words into a few minutes. The last five I've probably spent talking more than I have all of this week. All because of him.

I know it may seem like I fall too fast; not to say that I don't. But it's not like I go around to. I see the little things in people; their little quirks; their little flaws that aren't even flaws because they make them who they are. I pay so much attention to the little details that my subconscious decides what it wants from there. Like I said, it's not like I go looking for it; my silly little mind does.

And I know my mind does this so I push people away, people that made me happy. I then I seem like the moody freak that everyone's afraid of. Not fun.

"You ok?" Matthew whispered. "You look a bit dazed."

"I'm fine, just fine. Not enough sleep, you know how it is," I stated, shaking my thoughts away. Why did I have to overthink everything? Why can't I just be normal?

"Ah, the typical teenager. Lemme guess, you were reading? Writing? Organizing your bag for the millionth time?" he questioned, raising his eyebrows.

"How would you know? I could have been at a massive party last night," I retorted. I knew it wasn't true, but the longer he thought I wasn't a goody two shoes, the better.

"You don't really come off as the partying type... I bet you'd be a hilarious drunk though," he chuckled. A hilarious drunk? I'm that much of a joke?

"What's that supposed to mean? Just because I get good grades doesn't mean I'm a loner... I've been to plenty of parties, and I am NOT a joke of a drunk," I hissed, a bit ticked at his response.

"I didn't mean it that way. I'm just saying, you seem like the type to have more respect for yourself than to get drunk each weekend. It's not a bad thing," he said, leaning back in his chair, "not a bad thing at all."

"Said by the boy who probably goes to every party on the block," I laughed.

"Do be so quick to assume," he spoke quietly. "Between you and I-"

"Mr. Gordon and Ms. Pennington, would you like to share your discussion with the class?" Mrs. Turner asked us, tilting her eyes over her wide brimmed glasses that stood on the end of her nose.

I shot a glance of panic at Matthew, hoping he would get the message that I was no good at getting out of things. He nodded in understanding, then gave me a quick smile before speaking.

"Just talking about our favorite literature, seems we have some in common. Just excited about the class," Matthew smoothly stated. He was better under pressure than I've ever been.

"Well then, I appreciate you love for the writing, but please focus on the task at hand," she told us, turning her back once again to the board.

"You're welcome," he whispered.

"How did you do that? And how do you know about that literature?" I questioned.

"It's called a white lie, and it's not that hard; if you're good at it of course. And why would you ask that? Am I not currently in AP English?" he said.

"Well, I mean, you don't really look like someone who would care for it. And speaking of all these parties, I wouldn't have thought you'd even had time," I replied with a shrug. Him? Know anything about literature? I mean yeah, he's in this class, but how could someone like him like anything I did?

"Ah, but I never got to finish speaking beforehand. You have to promise not to tell anyone though, ok?" he said softly, extending his pinky finger. I swore I saw the five year old Matthew in front of me for a split second. His eyes had gleamed so bright and his smile was so innocent; not to mention the fact he was asking me to pinky swear I wouldn't tell.

"I promise," I whispered, wrapping my pinky finger around his. My hands were so small and dainty compared to his, though I don't know if mine are just small, or if his hands are abnormally large.

"Well, you see, I'm not really the 'partying type' either," he paused, "I mean I'm sure it's fun every once in a while, but every night? I'd get bored of it quick."

"Wow, I guess first impressions aren't always right? I'd totally figured you'd be the life of the party," I giggled, making a dramatic movement with my hands.

"Well I'm sorry, no bad boy for you. My appearance isn't my personality, I guess you could say," he sighed.

"I won't be so-" I was cut off my the bell shrilling across the classroom.

"So like I said, I'm new around here, and I need someone to show me around. You seem like a cool enough girl," he laughed while propping his hand behind his head, "so could I get your number?" His face was brushed furiously with red, which made my insides want to explode. His rosy little cheeks made my heart feel like it was bound the burst any second.

"Yeah, sure," I smiled, a million emotions running through me. I quickly jotted down my number on a paper and handed it to him. He looked at the paper and smiled before we both started walking out of the classroom.

"Don't loose it," I told him.

"I wouldn't dare!" He said, holding it to his heart. "Plus we'll see each other tomorrow, right?"

"Right. See ya," I replied, before turning down the hall.

"See you tomorrow Ms. Pennington!" he laughed as a blush grew up my cheeks.

I turned back to him and waved him a last goodbye before I disappeared down the hall.

{Sorry this took me so long to get up. I've been so busy with school and homework and tests and it's just been crazy. That's also the reason why it's a bit short. I'll make sure to update more often and make the chapters longer! :) }

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2013 ⏰

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