Chapter Eleven

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"Im just going out I wont be long" I called as I stepped off the tour bus and into the waiting taxi. We had a week free until our first show in the uk. We had a tour bus now, seeing as it was all in the same country just different ends, it was pretty fancy. The car pulled up outside the café, I paid the driver and headed inside making sure I kept my head low so people didn't recognise me as easily. I sat down at the table opposite the person the other side, "ok you've got 10 minutes talk" I replied crossing my arms. They looked up their blue eyes meeting mine, "I didn't think you were going to come" he replied.

"Neither did I, but cut the crap Sauli im waiting for you explanation. Make it snappy you've only got oooh 7 minutes left" I replied looking at my watch. "Well you know when we had that massive bust up over how we hardly saw each other?" he asked. I nodded "so?" I questioned, "well I went out and got drunk. Elliot was there, I kissed him and then things got heated and I slept with him. I wasn't thinking straight, it was a one night thing you have to believe me" he replied. "You want me to believe that? I saw the texts Sauli" I replied.

"You only saw ones he had sent me, he wouldn't stop calling and texting" he told me. "But you still got with him after we broke up" I told him, "I stayed with him yes. And yes we were a thing but I realised I had done something really stupid. We argued so much, I compared him to you all the time it drove him mad. He ended it with me and then slept with my best friend for extra measure, that's basically the whole story" he finished.

"How do I know youre not just saying that to try and get me to take you back" I asked, his hands found mine as I looked at him. My heart skipped a beat just like the first time I had met him, "because you know me adam. I have no reason to lie to you" he answered his eyes searching mine. I sighed, "as much as you hurt me I cant stop myself from loving you. That either makes me crazy, stupid or a hopeless romantic" I told him. "Im going to go for a hopeless romantic" he replied, he gently squeezed my hand as my phone rang in my pocket.

"Its tommy, we are all meant to be going out I said I wouldn't be long" I said standing. He stayed sitting "well are you coming?" I questioned holding out my hand, he took it as I smiled and he kissed me. We headed back to the tour bus, "hey guys I have someone I want to introduce you to" I called out as they walked into the sitting area. Sauli stepped out from behind me as tommy saw him and flew at him, Ashley grabbed him. "What the fuck is he doing here?!" Tommy shouted, "me and Sauli are giving it another go he'll be staying with us for the remainder of the tour" I replied.

"Have you lost you god damn mind!" Ashley snapped, "I second that notion!" monte replied. "No, whats wrong with giving someone a second chance?" I asked. "Youre a fucking idiot! You've been upset since he turned up and now your suddenly giving him another chance?" tommy retorted. "I don't mean to cause trouble I can go" Sauli said, "yeah sounds like a fantastic idea" monte answered. I grabbed saulis hand, "hes going nowhere hes staying. Why don't you go and put your things in my room" I said turning to face Sauli who nodded and went into my room.

"What the hell is you lots problem? I thought youd be happy that im happy" I snapped. "Oh im sorry you want us to be glad your back with that lying cheating piece of crap?!" tommy yelled. "He knows that this is his last chance. I don't see why youre all getting so upset about it" I answered calmly. "Because hes a waste of space adam, but you know what if you want to be with him then fine just keep him as far away from us as possible" Ashley answered. "I never thought you would do something this damn stupid" tommy said walking past me and out the door. It slammed shut behind him as I sighed, fan fucking tastic I thought as I sank into the chair.

"Well that could have gone better" a voice said as Sauli appeared behind me. "I know they are just so damn stubborn" I replied. "Look babe, they are bound to be pissed off about how I treated you. They are your friends, they care about you. I get that, id be worried if they weren't angry really I would. I'll stay out of their way, I promise. I don't want to cause issues with everyone" he told me. "I know but they should support me no matter what choices I make but that back then was pure chaos. That was beyond them being pissed off I thought tommy was going to hit you" I answered.

"I wouldn't blame him if he did, hes youre best friend id probably want to do the same thing" he replied. I sighed quietly, "its never going to be easy is it?" I questioned. "Nope but that's what makes it fun the challenge of proving everyone wrong" he answered smiling.

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