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"What the absolute hell dude!" Arianna said yelling at me pacing the room. "I couldn't do anything it was so sudden, I pushed him away immediately though," I said looking at her. "So he just pushed you against the wall and kissed you?" She said reassuring herself. "Yes, and I pushed him away, now shut up and get ready we have to go visit Chris." I said getting up. "Yeah yeah, I'm ready can we go." She said walking out the door. "Kinda planned on it." I said walking out.

We got to the hospital and showed our ID's and went up to the room. We were there for about fourty five minutes when Arianna said she wanted to get something to wear. I said she could leave and I sat in the room with just Chris. "Please wake up, I need you to wake up. I can't live without you, please just do it for me." I said with my head on his chest. "James?" Chris said with a tired look and soft voice. "Chris! Your awake! How I never thought you'd wake up." I said almost screaming. "Well I'm glad I woke up, who would take care of you?" He said chuckling. I paged the nurse and she came in with two other nurses. They got the doctor and told him the news, soon after they called his parents. They said they'd be there in an hour because they were at there relatives in another city.

Chris wiped my tears streaming down my face as he sat up. "You're awake." I said smiling at him. "Duh you dork, now I wanna know when I can go home." He said giving me a smirk. "Did you hear anything when you were asleep?" I asked putting my hands on his. "I heard everything while I was in a coma." He said smiling even more at me l. I looked down and started to blush. "Now are you going to give me a kiss or not, I have been under a sleeping curse for a while?" He said leaning in. "Shut up dork and just give me a kiss." I said laughing then leaning in. We put our lips together for what seemed like forever. We only stopped because a nurse stepped in and said they had to do tests on him.

"I'll see you later babe, now be good." Chris said being wheeled off. "I will ya ass. Love you." I said. "Love you too James." Chris said waving his arm. I headed to the cafeteria and to no surprise she was stuffing her face with food. For a tiny slim girl she can eat a whole lot. I walked over to her and told her that Chris woke up and they're doing tests. She basically screamed and jumped around. "Now I can finally meet Prince Charming!" She said jokingly. "Oh yeah, Kaden's coming today, now he'll get to meet you in person too." She said looking at me. "In person?" I asked looking at her. "Yeah, I tell him everything about you and Chris. He's been wanting to meet you guys but he has had school crap in the way." She said finishing her cheeseburger walking out.

We went back upstairs and headed to the room. Chris was in the room and looked at us as we walked in. "Who's the chick?" He asked looking at me. "This is Arianna, when just found out you were in a coma, I met her in the cafeteria. We've been hanging out alot and she goes to school with us." I said. "Hi, I've heard so much about you, Prince Charming." She said with a huge grin on her face, looking at me. "Prince Charming eh, guess I know how you think of me now. Now tell me all about yourself Arianna." He said giving her the hand gesture to have a seat. After about twenty minutes of her talking about herself and Chris feeling sympathetic. Well get some rest ill be back tomorrow with alot more news." I said giving him a kiss and a hug. "Kay bye, love you James." he said hugging me. "I love you too babe" I said while walking out.

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