some team

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It was around six in the morning when I woke up. It was a saturday so I didn't have anything big going on except for practice. I poured myself some cereal and orange juice and turned on the tv to watch some cartoons. That's when my parents walked in, they asked me how long I've known I was gay. I told them it was when I was thirteen and I saw a boy and I thought he was cute. They were still confused about all this, but I knew they were really trying. "Have you..... you know.." she says while looking at dad, like she was trying to tell him to say it. "What your mother is trying to say is have you had sex yet," he says looking embarrassed. "Not yet, but we planned to hang out after practice today," I say. They got up and left, so I went back to my cartoons.

I got ready for practice and got the food ready, today was our turn to bring the food. It was 1:00 P.M when we got there and it was just as packed as it usually was. Just mom's and their kids, there were some dad's but I think they just came so their wife's wouldn't chew off their heads. I was stretching when I saw Chris's car pull in, when he go out I ran up and grabbed his hand and told him where to sit. My team was just looking the entire time and I just ignored them. "So how long is practice cutie?" Chris said with a big grin. "I don't know, a hour, hour and a half," I said with a kind of chuckle. He just shrugged, gave me a kiss and sat back down and told me to get my ass on the field. I ran back to the field and finished my stretching, as I was walking towards the coach, because he called us all over, one of my teammates body checked me.

He gave me a look like "watch out Parker." I just brushed it off and listened to the coach and did what he Said to do. It was about over so I went to the restroom to take a leak and then four or five of my teammates came in after me. I was just washing up when they pushed me against the wall. They kneed me in the gut and punched me. They kept calling me names and calling me words I won't describe. I was all bruised and swollen and bloody, I managed to get to my feet and grab my phone and call chris. I told him where I was and that I needed him. He came rushing with tears in his eyes asking if I was ok, he called my parents and I got rushed to the hospital.

I was in the hospital for a couple days and Chris wouldn't leave unless to take a shower and get us food. After I was discharged from the hospital a police officer asked me if I wanted to file charges on the boys who did this to me. I told him I didn't, so Chris gave me a ride home and we just hung out in my room. We played on my bed listening to music and just cuddling and talking. I had to go to school the next day, it was a tuesday. When I woke up it was hard for me because of my bruised rib cage. I got into the shower and just let the hot water pour over my bruised, beaten body. I got out and dried myself and pulled out some close from my drawer. I walked down the stairs and called Chris and asked him if he would give me a ride since it hurt to drive.

He came and picked me up and we headed to school. When we walked through the doors, everyone kinda stared at us. Chris kinda gave them all a death stare cause next thing I knew they just when on with there day. It was fifth period and I could tell people were talking about me, so after class I asked what they were saying and all they said was "nothing." It made me so mad that I went to the bathroom and punched a stall. When I left I could see guys looking at me, so I went up to them and said this "yeah I'm gay, but I'm not gonna look at your tiny dicks. So you can go use the fucking bathroom!" They looked like it was the first time they heard a cuss word in their entire life, after that complete surprise to them they just walked off. I got a ride from Chris and we went back to his place and I stayed the night. I just hope tomorrow gets better.

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