Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 (Edited)

(16 Weeks)

It's been two weeks since I found out about my twins. I am 16 weeks pregnant now. I am starting to show,not enough to know that I am pregnant,but enough to tell I am gaining weight. My pants don't fit well anymore,and my shirts are tighter. I decided to sneak away and buy some clothes.

Here I was,an hour away from Lafayette,my town. I wanted to shop a distance from home,not wanting to be seen. I was here,shopping in a good part of town,looking for comfy but suitable clothing.

Callie's birthday went great,she had a good time,and we all had fun. It was a adult party,she was just turning 27. She doesn't look a day over 21. They all drank and had a blast,with drunken party games and such. I of course stayed away from the alcohol,my babies would not be getting hurt because of me. After the party was over I made a bee line for the door. I got caught by Jordan of course. I can still remember the conversation.

What is going on Riley?”

I looked up at him,”Nothing is wrong,”

He looked angry,”Bullshit. Riley I can see it in your eyes.”

There is nothing wrong Jordan.” I snapped.

He rolled his eyes,”Yes there is,you didn't drink. Made a face at the pasta that was served and almost threw up.”

I rolled my eyes this time,”Jordan,I am not well. Alcohol will upset my stomach and so will pasta sauce.”

I knew he didn't believe me,but he dropped it.

So,Callie and I are trying for a baby. We think she may be pregnant now.”

I of course smiled,while in the inside I was on fire.

That is great Jordan!” I hugged him and said my good byes to everyone.

It was a Sunday now,I had work tomorrow. I was happy about my job and loved working,so that was a plus. I parked my car at a target and walked in. I headed toward the pregnancy section. There was a pretty good section of clothes and within thirty minutes I was trying on new clothes. They all fit good and had a elastic waistband. The shirts were lose fitted and had a good cotton feel to them. As I was putting on my clothes that I wore here I heard voices. Familiar voices.

“I can't believe the test came back negative.” Callie said to the person she was with.

“I know girl,that must suck.”

Callie voice was laced with tears,”It is hard,we have been trying for almost three months now.”

A pang went through my heart. I got pregnant so easy,with out wanting the babies growing inside of me. Callie and Jordan want kids so bad,but can't.

I could here the smile in her voice,”We go see a social worker soon. We are going to try and adopt.”

That was good at least,maybe she will find a baby that doesn't have a home,or a mother who can't take care of one. Ten minutes later they left. I rushed out of the room,pulling my jacket over my head. I payed for the clothes and got in my car and left.

It was cold out here, in Colorado,the weather in May was odd. Some days it would be 80 degrees out side or 50. Today was a day that was cold,the temperature said 67 but felt 50 degrees.

The doctor thinks that I conceived my baby in late January,early February. She thinks that the baby will be born in late October. I am okay with that.

So,now you may be wondering how I got pregnant? I had a bad day. A really bad day. My life was mucky then,work was crazy,Jordan was crazy,my mom drove me insane. Life just sucked. It was a Friday and I wanted to get drunk. So I did. I was at the bar just down the rode from my house. I had already had 12 shots and was drinking a beer. I was wasted because I am a light weight. I felt the buzz at shot number 4. I remember the kissing,and his hair color,a honey brown. That is all I remember. I woke up naked and alone. We got a hotel,I am guessing. He was gone before I woke up. Then I take a test six almost seven weeks later. I was two weeks late then. It came back positive. So did the others that I took. It took me almost four weeks to make the doctors appointment. She was booked for almost three weeks,but I got in.

I can't believe I am 4 months pregnant. I only have five months left. Five months and I get to see my babies. Five months and I can hold them,and embrace them. I can't wait. I want to know the gender,the doctor said she could find it at 14 weeks. I haven't thought about it yet. I think I want to know at my next appointment,at 18 weeks. I think I want to know so I can shop better.

My mom called for a diner date,so it was almost six and I was dressed and ready. My dress was flowing down to my ankles. It was the best lose fitted dress I own. It was a wonderful peach color,it brought out my tan skin. I had my golden blonde hair in a elegant bun. My brown eyes rimmed with eyeliner,pale pink eye shadow to match. I put on a nude lip color and some gloss. The baby bump that I had was well hidden. I think I am going to tell my mom though. It is hard to keep it from her.

Ten minutes later I pulled up to the restaurant we were eating at. My mother was already there,she sat in a booth,the same booth we always sit at. I grabbed my purse,the purse that held my ultrasound picture. I had bought a frame that said,'New Grandma'. Then I wrapped it. I was planing on giving it to her over desert.

My mother looked just like me,sun kissed skin,golden blonde hair,she had blue eyes and my father had brown. She was willowy,and moved with grace. I loved her to death.

“Mom!” I grabbed her into a tight hug.

She smiled at me,”How is my Riley doing?”

I smile,mom likes to talk in third person sometimes,”Riley is good.”

She laughed at me,”Great. I ordered a sprite for you.”

I nodded,sprite was OK,it was a non caffeine soda. We talked for a while,then ordered our meal. She had a salmon dish,while I ate my favorite,a salad with a bunch of veggies. I loved their salad because they used a secret sauce. We ate and talked,she sipped on wine,while I drank my soda. She kept on telling me about her job as a room designer and her ho-hum love life. She quit being a nurse when my dad died,she said it was to hard on me,not seeing her a lot.

My father is dead,he has been for a while. 14 years and my mother has not found a new husband. She has dated a lot but none that are takers. She does well by herself.

My father was a extraordinary man. He worked long hours at the mine,the mine that was almost three hours from home. He had long work days and long nights. He died when I was 13. He left me 8 thousand dollars. That added with the three thousand I have saved. He set a good life for me. Now my children and I.

My mother brought me out of my dark place once talking again.

“Sweets,are you OK?”

I nodded,taking a bite out of my ice cream.

“What is the matter? You can tell me.”

I was busted now. I took out the wrapped frame,that held a copy of my twins' ultrasound. I passed it to my mother.

“Here mom,”

My mom looked really astonished,she opened the package and then tears came.

“How baby?” She whispered.

I smiled,”A long story that I will tell you later on.”

She looked at me a smile forming,”There are two babies here.”

I nodded again,”Yep,baby A and baby B.”

“Do you know the genders?” She asked.

“Not yet. In two weeks I go in for my 18 week check up. I will know then. Will you go with me?” I asked.

She of course nodded and brought me in for a huge hug.

My mom was super blissful,I could tell. We left shortly after that. She still was shedding tears. I know she is blessed. She won't judge either. I am proud of myself. Now I just have to tell my friends. That means Jordan. That also means breaking his heart,or mine in the process.

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