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Epilogue (Edited)

7 Years Later

“Stop pulling my hair!”

“Well stop taking my hat!” Mackenzie yelled.

I glared at them both,”Girls quit please! Go clean up.”

They both finally started to clean up the huge mess they made. I went back to the task at hand,cleaning.

Today was a pretty big day. I had to fix up the house and make it nice and clean. Christian was coming home today. Are house was pretty hard to clean,because it was so big. It was a 5 bedroom 3 bathroom house. We bought it together when the girls were 3 almost 4. The girls were getting so big,and my apartment was to little for all four of us. So,it was time to move and find a huge house.

Christian was getting home from his long two week trip,he was off helping the kids in Madagascar. They sent a bunch of surgeons and doctors out there to help all of the sick people.

I had just finished cleaning the downstairs. Now I had to tackle four bedrooms and a bathroom. I walked into Lilly's room,she was a very organized 7 year old. She kept all of her stuff hung up,all of her clothes put away. I didn't have much to clean,a few clothes on her bed and a few toys to put up.

Mackenzie was a different story,she was a polar opposite to Lilly. She was messy,she shoved all of her stuff in the closet and left it. I had a lot to pickup,and it of course was a mess that she wouldn't do.

Christian and I's bedroom was at the very end of the hall. To the left was Mackenzie's and across from her was Lilly. The room next to Lilly was occupied and so was the room next to Mackenzie. The last room was empty and the last one was a bathroom that the girls shared.

I soon was walking down the hall,I was looking at all the pictures we had. I came across our wedding picture. We were holding hands,and the girls were next to us holding a flower basket. That day was amazing. Yes,we are married now,we got married 5 years ago. The twins were about two then,and still just as energized as they are now.

I then caught sight to one of our family photos. I was sitting in a white chair,and was looking at Christian,he was pulling a 6 year old Mackenzie and Lilly. The next picture was the cutest,the girls were on their knees next to me and Christian. Christian held a smiling three month old baby girl,and I held a happy 3 month old boy.

On May 22,Christian and I had a baby,well two. Yes I got pregnant with twins again. Curse my genes! I prayed for boys,after Lilly and Mackenzie,I didn't want anymore females in the house. Christian wanted a girl and a I wanted a boy. In a way we both got what we wanted. I got a boy and he got a girl.

With the girls I got to name them both,with the new set of twins we had to come to a truce,and it was hard. After a while we both came to an agreement. I can name the boy and he can name the girl.

Baby A was born first,at 2:43 am. She was 4 pounds 4 ounces.

We named her Catrina Skye Haywood.

Baby B was born second,at 2:43 am. He was so little at 3 pounds 8 ounces.

We named him Sebastian James Haywood.

I had a lot of problems with this pregnancy, and of course Dr. Crow was with us every step of the way. The C-section went a lot better and faster this time.

The biggest problem was the fact that Sebastian would not grow,he stayed so little,while Catrina got big. They are both only 9 months old,but so very healthy. Even as a baby Cat was a daddy's girl,I swear they spent more time together then him and I did. That's fine though because Sebastian loved his mommy.

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