Chapter 9

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Chapter 9 (Edited)

(Babies Born)

I don't really know what happened? The doctors said my heart crashed because I bled to much. Then from what I hear,Dr. Haywood went a little crazy. The Chief had to remove him from the OR. He saved my life,and Mackenzie's too.

I just woke up in the recovery. They won't let me out until Dr. Crow comes back to check on me. I just want to go up to my room and hold my babies. I had my eyes closed,until I heard a cough. Dr. Haywood sat next to me.

“How are you Riley?” He asked.

I wanted to cry,just a little. He did save me,along with Dr. Crow. He wiped away a tear,”I'm fine,”

“No your not.”

I nodded,”I almost died,along with little Kenzie.” I cried a little harder,my shoulders taut.

“I wouldn't of let you die. Not when I just found you.”

I smiled a little,”How come you never looked for me?”

His eyes softened a little,”I tried,you were hard to find Lee.”

I laughed,”I know. How does this work?”

“Well,I am Christian Haywood. I am Head of Pediatric Surgery.”

“Riley Copeland,Pre-K teacher and mom of 2 little girls.” I let out a giggle.

He kissed my hand,then shook it. His hand felt so right in mine. I didn't want to let go. But I had to,because Dr. Crow was there waiting for me to talk to her.

“Riley can I check you out?”

I nodded and let go of his warm hand. She checked my incision and read some of my stats. She took a little blood and sent it off to the lab. She wrote a bit in my chart.

“Well you are fine,gave us all a scare but you are fine.” She said.

I smiled and looked up at her,”Can I see my babies?”

Dr. Crow's smiled grew,”Of course you can! Mackenzie was just brought to your room. I also heard that only your mother has seen them.”

Oh Mother,she is probably really worried. I sighed and fell back on the pillow with a huff. I heard Christian laugh a little,followed by a thump by Dr. Crow.

Dr. Crow and Christian wheeled me back up to my room. After all that has happened,the one night stand,the pregnancy,almost losing Kenzie,almost dieing,it has all came down to this,me meeting my two baby girls.

Once in my room,I slipped my robe on. I was cold,and worried. I just want to be a good mother to my baby girls. I am afraid I will fail. Sensing my stress Christian turned to me.

“Hey,whats wrong?” He asked.

I looked down a little,”I want to be a great mother. I don't want to fail.”

He laughed a little,”You won't fail,you will be amazing.”

“How do you know that?”

“You didn't even think of your own well being when it came to the girls,you kept them not even knowing the father,me.”

I nodded,soon their was a nurse coming in,she was wheeling a baby crib in. Inside the crib was both of my babies.

Baby B,Lilly Jane Copeland,she was born at 11:13 PM on October 31.

Baby A,Mackenzie Rose Copeland was born at 11:28 PM on October 31.

They looked identical,Dr. Crow was right,they looked the same. They both had my hair color,a golden blonde,they didn't have my brown eyes,but Christians bright blue ones. Each had giant chubby cheeks,with his nose and my full lips. Soon Lilly started to cry,that caused Mackenzie to start up too.

I felt a tear fall as the nurse brought them over to me. She put Lilly on my left arm and Kenzie on the right arm. They both stopped crying and looked up at me,Lilly took her tiny hand and touched my cheek. I started to cry and this moment. Both of my babies were healthy and born. Both were beautiful too.

I bonded with them for a while,just staring at them and smiling. They both just watched me. Soon my Mother came in,I let the nurse put the babies back in their crib. She wheeled it right next to me.

Soon my mom was a sobbing mess,she came to be and gave me a huge hug.

“Mom,Mother calm down! I am fine.”

She sobbed a little more,”You almost died Riley!”

I sighed,”I know but I didn't,and Kenzie is fine too.”

She wiped more tears away,”I am so glad you are okay honey.”

“I know,me too.” I whispered.

She took off to hold one of the twins. I sat there waiting,I was itching to walk but can't. I still have my catheter and and IV in. Dr. Crow,who just interred the room said I should be up and moving tomorrow afternoon.

“Hey Riley,I got you a baby gift.” She said handing me a small green bag. I opened the card that nestled in the bag it said,'Here is two bottles of non toxic baby nail polish. Now you will always know what baby you are holding.'. I let out a laugh and looked at the cute little nail polishes,one was a purple that had shades of blue and green in it. The other one was a bright pink with yellow and orange shades. I decided to put the pink one on Lilly and the purple one on Mackenzie.

After giving Dr. Crow a hug,she left. Leaving me and my mom in here.

“Mom bring Lilly over here.” I asked.

She did,I unwrapped her and smiled. She was wearing a white onesies and was wrapped in a green and pink blanket. I learned from my mom to keep what the hospital gives you,they will just throw it out anyways.

“Mom I am a little lost? What now?” I asked panicked.

She laughed a little,”Check her diaper,is it wet?”

I did what she said,Lilly was pretty wet. Mom handed me a diaper. I changed her and asked mom for her baby bag,She was just born,so I didn't pack anything big. There was just different colored onesies,socks and warm hats. I also had two pairs of warm pj’s. Lilly's bag was pink and yellow,it had flowers on it. The bag also had her name on it. I got out the onesies that I knew she would like. It was a plain gray color and had pink lettering. It had a capital T and a lowercase W. Mackenzie's was the same with a IN on it. The last thing I did was paint her big toe with the pink nail polish.

After she was changed and wrapped back up she fell asleep on Mom. She then gave me Mackenzie. She had a huge grin on her face. It was adorable. I checked her diaper and changed her as well. I painted her nail just the same as Lilly's,with the purple color instead. Soon I put her new clothes on and wrapped her in a blanket as well.

“Hey Mom,bring in the others. Tell them to be quite.”

She nodded and left to grab my friends. I looked over to my babies and smiled. I am a Mom,a Mother.

Soon I heard the footsteps of my friends. They all came in at once,Nat was at the back because the next thing I hear is,”Move fatty! Let me in!” She yelled.

Josh rubbed his side,”Did..did you just elbow me?”

“Well move!!” She whined.

I rolled my eyed,”Natalie May Grace calm down! The babies are asleep!” I yell at her. She huffs and plops down on my bed. Soon Nat and Callie were crowding the babies crib. Then all 3 guys made their way over there.

Everyone loved them already,and they weren't even awake yet. Soon I heard a cry from the crib,then I heard a second cry. It was time to feed them,change them and love them. It was time to be a loving Mother.

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