Part 8

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>> Many people from across their country came and bear witness the wedding of Haruka and Mao. The dragon empire rejoiced that day because of the wonderful occasion. When night came the party still continued many lords approached Haruka and Mao to congratulate them...

Mao: Thank you...

Haruka: Thank you...

Mao: (sees the lord who just came to them leave; sitting on his throne) Sigh... I wonder how many more will congratulate us. My mouth is getting tired with talking and smiling...

Haruka: (sitting beside Mao) It can't be helped since they did come all the way from their country to be part of our wedding.

Mao: You don't have to push yourself...

Haruka: You too...

Mao: Eh? (smiles) Ahahaha... You've noticed huh...

Haruka: (nods)

Mao: (glances at Haruka)

Haruka: (looks at Mao)

Mao: (feels embarrass when he got caught that he was staring at Haruka) What?

Haruka: Should we go back and get some rest?

Mao: Eh? Ah... Sure...

Haruka: (stands and waits for Mao so they would go together)

Yo: (notices and approaches Mao) Your majesty...

Mao: Yes, lord Yo?

Haruka: (standing not far from Mao)

Yo: (whispers) Good luck in your first night together. Please don't wear yourselves out especially when you have a two week honeymoon all by yourselves.

Mao: (his face turns red and gets annoyed; grabs Yo's head and kneads his knuckles in the middle of Yo's head) Idiot! Don't make me think weird stuffs! I told you to stop teasing me.

Yo: Ouch! Ouch! I'm just teasing, your majesty...

Haruka: (just observes)

Mao: (inside his room) Starting today, this room is officially yours too.

Haruka: (doesn't see his futon anymore; thinking about something) Sigh...

Mao: (notices that Haruka is thinking about something) What are thinking about? You're not thinking some weird stuff are you?

Haruka: Please... I think lord Yo teased you way too much for today.

Mao: (blushes) You- You heard us?

Haruka: Loud and clear...

Mao: "I'll strangle lord Yo for this!"

Haruka: (looks at his left hand with palm face up and sees the wedding ring)
You and I have become husband and wife... Will it change anything?...

Mao: Hey, you make it sound like you dislike our marriage. You should've told me you're against it then we wouldn't have gone through it.

Haruka: It's not what you think.

Mao: (annoyed) What else should I think!? You were never comfortable sharing a room with me to begin with! (about to leave the room out of anger)

Haruka: (stops Mao from leaving by holding onto the door with his right hand) I just...

Mao: (his back is facing Haruka) ...

Haruka: (standing behind Mao) I might not be able to hold myself back when you're too close to me.

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