Part 6

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Yo: Your majesty? (looks at Jin)

Mao: (sitting on a chair at the end of a table; staring blanky)

Jin: (loos at Yo) Your majesty...

Yo: Your masjesty? Hello?

Mao: Huh? What?

Jin: You haven't been yourself lately. Is something bothering you?

Mao: Am I? It's nothing.

Yo: Ohh~~ Hehehehe... I know... His majesty has fallen in love~

Jin: To our dragon prince? Isn't that good news?

Yo: It is!

Mao: Hey! What are you talking about?!

Haruka: (reading a book while walking and passes by the room unnoticed where Mao and the others are; overhears) "Mao?"

Mao: Me in love with that guy? Impossible! I'm just putting up with him since he's pitiful and because he's this dragon prince.

Jin: Your majesty that's not nice to say.

Yo: So you're telling us, if he wasn't of any importance, you wouldn't even bother with him?

Mao: Yes. If it were me, I would have want him to go back to the world he was raised than have me force to marry him. He's not needed here. I can protect this kingdom with or without his help.

Jin: (walking around the palace and notices huge rain clouds covering the sky) Looks like it's going to rain) Hm? (sees Haruka standing in the hall) lord Haruka?

Haruka: ... (sees Jin)

Jin: (hears Jin's voice and notices Haruka) Your highness...

Yo: Eh? lord Haruka? Don't tell me... He overheard us...

Mao: (didn't expect Haruka to be there) ... (drops of rain started to fall from the sky)

Haruka: ... I didn't mean to eavesdrop. (raises the book his holding) I only wanted to return this. Excuse me... (doesn't look at them and goes on his way)

Mao: A-... (rushes towards the door) Wait! Haruka!

Haruka: (stops walking and the rain starts to pour down)

Mao: I... What you heard...

Haruka: (looks back to Mao) I don't belong in this world even if this is where I was born...

Mao: ... Haruka...

Haruka: (water starts to surround him) I'm sorry... (disappears)

Mao: Haruka! (tries to reach out for Haruka but eventually fails)

Priest: Here. Let me take that for you. (takes the basket from the old woman)

Old woman: (sees Haruka looking at a sakura tree; bringing a basket of fruits and vegetables and gives it to the priest) I haven't seen him around here before.

Nun: Oh, that's Haruka-kun. This orphanage raised him for a few years before he was adopted. He's been staying with us for a couple of days now.

Woman: Really? What brings him back?

Priest: ... Things happened. (remembers the day Haruka came to them drenched in the rain and saw the injuries around his back)

Priest and Nuns: (looks at each other)

Haruka: ...

Haruka: (at the palace garden)

Mao: (gazing upon the sakura trees)

Haruka: ... If only it's easier to forget...

Mao: (in Dragon Empire; impatient) Are you sure you've searched for him high and low in our lands?

Soldiers: Yes we have, your majesty... There are no traces or clues that could lead us to the whereabouts of his highness, the dragon prince...

Mao: Damn!... (sits)

Jin: Your majesty, have you considered the possibility that he went back to Earth?

Mao: ... (recalls)

Mao: Yes. If it were me, I would
have want him to go back
to the world he was raised than
have me force tomarry him.
He's not needed here.
I can protect this kingdom
with or without his help.

Mao: ... Haruka...

Haruka: (water starts to
surround him)
I'm sorry...

Mao: How could he go back when it wasn't his will to be sent here in the first place? Especially when he didn't even know before that this empire existed.

Yo: It could be his power has grown enough that he could jump from on world to another?

Haruka: (sitting under a tree one afternoon)

Mother Superior: Since you
came to us as a baby, 
we always prayed for your
happiness until now. 

ut for that to happen,
you can't keep your
heart shut from others. 

ou have to open it too to let others in.

Haruka: ... "I tried, but they hurt me instead. I tried again, but it turns out their kindness was just out of pity and duty. I don't think I can take it the third time."

Mao: (sitting by the window inside his room)

Jin: Since lord Haruka's disappearance, you haven't been yourself lately... Is it too hard for you to admit you like him?...

Mao: ... I'm fool, aren't I?... I really need to see you again...

Haruka: (feels a sharp pain in his chest) Not again... (feels the pain growing as he remembers his time with Mao)

Haruka: (felt a sharp pain in his chest)

Mao: (notices and sees Haruka looks in pain; slowly rubs Haruka's back)

t's all right... It's going to be all right...

Haruka: ... (slowly the pain subsided)

Haruka: ... (clenches tightly to bear the pain) ... Mao...

Mao: ... Haruka... (suddenly I flash of light surrounds Mao) What the-

Haruka: (looks surprise)

Mao: (finds himself on top of Haruka looking surprise) ... Haruka...

Haruka: ... How did you...

Mao: (grabs Haruka's shirt) I could ask you the same thing. You did go back to this world. How could you leave like that?

Haruka: Let go of me. (pulls away from Mao since the pain he's feeling hasn't yet subsided; sits back up)

Mao: ... (just noticed) It happened again?...

Haruka: ... Go back to where your world. Your wish has been fulfilled. What more could you want from me?

Mao: What I said was wrong. I didn't mean what I said that day.

Haruka: Go home...

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