Part 10

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Soldiers: General!

Gou: What?

Soldiers: Our spies have found out that his highness has been slain. While he was being transported to be disposed, we managed to recover his body...

Gou: Haruka is what?

Yo: That can't be. He can't be dead! What would happen to our emperor?

Gou: ... (can't believe what he just heard) Where is he now?

Gou: (arrives inside a tent and sees Haruka's body being cleaned up by Jin)

Yo: Haruka! lord Haruka!

Gou: Yo... Enough...

Yo: But...

Gou: I said that's enough! He's gone... (sees all the bruises Haruka received in the hands of the captor) How did he...

Jin: The cause of his death was a deep stab wound in the abdominal area... He bled out...

Gou: I want that bastard Jang's head on a plate! (leaves the tent)

Haruka... Haruka...

Haruka: (opens his eyes and sees himself inside a white mist) Where... (touches his abdomen as he remembered being stabbed)


Haruka: You? (remembers the first time he heard this woman's voice) Who are you? (sees a light blue dragon approaching and changes into a woman)

Rinri: (the light blue colored dragon) My name is Rinri... I'm your neesan...

Haruka: Neesan?

Rinri: You've grown quiet a lot from the last time I got to see you face to face. You were still a baby at that time before we sent you to Earth.

Haruka: It was you who sent me to dragon empire...

Rinri: Yes... (looks behind her and shows Haruka their family)

Haruka: (sees his family) I'm dead, aren't I?...

Rinri: Yes, you are...

Dragon Mother: We'll be a family again. Free from those corrupt humans...

Dragon Father: Despite everything we did for them...

Haruka: I need to go back.

Rinri: Go where? You're dead Haruka.

Haruka: I don't care! You sent me here so I could fulfil my destiny. Are you telling me this is it? That I would die!?

Rinri: It's your destiny to go back to the dragon empire to keep it strong from its enemies. But, it is also our destiny for our kind to go extinct. We all got killed by the same man who killed you.

Other Dragon gods: Why do you want to return to their side?... They did nothing to you but cause you pain... They are selfish being not worth protecting.

Haruka: Not all are as corrupt as you think... That's what I've learned when I met him... Why does destiny have to take me from him? We control our lives. We choose what path we want to follow, not destiny! (looks confused and doesn't know what to do)

Rinri: Haruka...

Haruka: (kneels on the ground) I just can't give up. I already lost everything once. I can't let it happen again. Mao needs me... And I need him...

Rinri: (looks at the people behind her and kneels in front of Haruka)

Jang: Are you now willing to become mine, Mao?

Mao: I'd rather die than become yours.

Jang: I can't let you die. For what? So you can join your beloved in the afterlife. Not a chance.

Mao: Bastard!

Jang: Speaking of afterlife, I wonder if he already met his family there. After all, I did send his kind to that place.

Mao: What did you say?

Jang: I killed his entire family. Of course, I never knew he existed and that they had sent him to an another world to save his life.

Mao: How could you!?

Jang: Dragon gods powers are so amazing and strong. Strong enough to defeat me, so I needed to take care of them before they could strike against me. You should've seen your Haruka's face when I told him how I killed his entire family.

Mao: I hope death will come to you soon or when I have the chance, I will kill you myself.

Jang: That's if you can... (his men takes Mao out from the cell and holds him down on the floor)

Jin: (done cleaning Haruka's body and dressed Haruka with new set of clothes) lord Haruka...

Yo: (a breeze of air enters the tent and passes by Yo) ... (looks at the entrance and looks at Haruka)

Jin: Wha- lord Yo!

Yo: (looks at what Jin is looking at; orders a soldier) Call the general. Quick! (a bright light suddenly comes out from the tent)

Mao: (held down by Jang's men) Let go of me!

Jang: Whether I take you now or later, it still won't be any different. (loosens Mao's clothes)

Mao: No!! (can't move) Unhand me!

Jang: (touching Mao) Be a good boy and see how good I can make you feel...

Mao: No! Don't touch me!

Jang: Go ahead, call out for your lover. He will never come for you.

Mao: (about to cry) "Haruka..." 
(remembers Haruka)

Haruka: (smiles) Mao...

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