Chapter 2: Appocalypse School Day

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Percy was supposed to be my guide at school. My first period teacher even affirmed that. But he didn't show at my classes, and I started to ask around.

"Hey," I'd say, "Has anyone seen Percy? He was supposed to be here to show me around school." But they just said that he was talking to a teacher. Mr. Bruner I think it was. Bruner wasn't a very well known teacher, after all, what high schooler wanted to take Latin as their language requirement?

And then I went to lunch, Percy was there. Only he didn't look the same. The look in his eyes was filled with worry. Not like 'whoops I left my binder in the car' worried, more like 'I just ran over this kid's kitten' worried.

I took my lunch tray over to him, he didn't even look up until I snapped my fingers by his head a few times. "Percy? You ok?"

He needed to tell me why he suddenly up-ed and left me. Why he couldn't show me around school like he was supposed to. Why he wasn't there at all for the first three classes. And most importantly; how come he was the only one to directly talk to me. He was the only one who spoke to me first, if at all, and the other students didn't even seem to know I was there. It was strange.

Something was up with him, I could tell.

So we sat in silence for a good ten minutes before I started asking questions.


" to explain why you ditched me? Or why none of the teachers thought twice when you didn't call out during attendance? Or why you were with Bruner for three class periods when you were supposed to be showing me around school? Or, hey! Why no one seems to know who I am? My last name was called with my first in all of the attendances. How come no one's tried to ask for money yet? Everywhere I go this happens! Hey not like I'm complaining or anything but this is just weird and you need to start answering questions." I gave him a pointed look.

His bright sea-green eyes just stared at me. He smirked. "Geez you have a lot of questions, I'll try my best to explain." I gave him the go-on look.

He sighed and took out a pen from his pocket. "Ok, fine, you got me." He said, putting it down in front of both of us. "Now will you sit?" I didn't get it. Is this a prank? Is that why he took out a pen? I actually half believed that this whole thing was just a silly prank, like 'hahaha let's prank the new girl'! His expression said differently. No one could fake that worried-what's-going-on expression.

His pen started to roll across the table. From being between us before, it now was right in front of me. There was a word on the side. But it wasn't a brand name. I didn't know of any names that were that long.

Or blurry.



I didn't know what to think of the pen. It changed. It's shape alternated between a regular ball point pen and a long silver and gold sword. Both had that name engraved into the sides.

Anaklusmos. What was that? His last name? Who gets their name engraved into their pens?

Who has a freaking semiholographic sword-pen?

I looked back to Percy. "What is this?" People were already starting to pack up their lunches and bags. But I wasn't leaving. And my guess was that neither was Percy.

"Anaklusmos, it was Hercules's sword, but now it's mine."

"Hercules? Like the greek champion?" I asked, glancing back to the pen. "Why the strange name?"

"I think you might know."

"What? That's not fair! I don't kn-...."
I paused suddenly confused. "What?"

Percy just gave a small smile. We were alone now in the cafeteria. Our voices filled the room, I had no idea that we had been near shouting.

"Do you know what language you were just speaking there?" He asked pointedly.

Of course I did. English. The language we were both speaking. But he was still looking at me funny.

"Yes." I answered slowly.

"Can you tell me?" He gave a smug smile.


"No" He cut me off.

"What? Of course I was speaking English. You're crazy."

"No, he's really not." A voice from behind me said.

I turned and saw a woman with dark hair standing right behind me. Only she wasn't a woman, she looked more snake-like, her skin not smooth like mine, but dark green and scaly like a snakes.

Or a crocodile's. My subconscious added.

But that wasn't the weirdest. Her eyes were larger than normal sized, and completely red, no pupil showing.

Percy just stood up and looked directly at her, surprise clearly painted on his face. I guess he knew what she was though, I could see that recognition in there. And he wasn't afraid, just surprised.

Just like I wasn't. I was close to flipping out.

Her form flickered back to a normal woman. And she just smiled at us.

The hell are you?

Another look of shock crossed Percy's face, his eyes flashed at me. She spoke first.

"Well, you've found yourself a new camper there? Haven't you? Shame though, I'm on orders to take the little tyke." She glanced at me. What?

"I don't understand." I looked back at Percy. She's on orders to take me? I didn't want to go anywhere with something like her. "Why?" I asked, my voice echoing across the walls.

A horrible fake-pity expression flashed across her face, "Oh, you didn't know? Well, Percy Jackson, I think I'll tell the girl!"

His eyes narrowed. "Fine." His right hand closed around the pen, into a fist. The pen looked more like a sword now though.

She smiled at that. "Many heroes have been made to fight. But sadly only few see the battlefield. You might even be," she glared at me, "A demigod. "

I heard Percy click the pen behind me, her eyes flashed with fear and hatred. Then, without warning, she vanished into thin air. Leaving behind the empty cafeteria.

And I turned around, Percy was gone.



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