My Mind's World

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Blue clouds hold my tears
And grumble with all my fears
An awful storm often appears

Droplets fall on red angry seas
Tired of staying on its knees
And always aiming to please

The sun shines a happy light
Breaking through the darkest night
Creating smiles that are always bright

Plants are what I achieve
Bees buzz with all I believe
My flowers wilt but never leave

But all plants decompose
And I mirthfully suppose
That's where my all memory goes

Prey are my insecurities
While predators are my loyalties
Seeking out my impurities

Humans are my every thought
And due to all the wars fought
I must hold tight to all I've got

The wind sings melodies
And cheerful parodies
To soothe my tragedies

No matter how the pot stirs
No professionals or amateurs
Will ever claim this as his or hers

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