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There are people in this world gasping for air
And others who simply sit there and stare,
Watching as others lay their scarred hearts bare.

Freaks amongst robots that have truly stopped thinking,
Judging outcasts before they start blinking,
Ignoring the cries from ships that are sinking.

Is it better to be made of bolts and gears?
To never deal with your own twisted fears;
To witness their sadness and all of their tears?

Or do you stand strong and heed the great Light’s call,
Knowing you are forever doomed to fall,
But what’s a few more fractures on a thrall?

And if you have such a thought filled with such greed,
Then you’re of the darker, corrupted breed;
The ones born from the Dark’s crimson seed.

Laughing as you call us all the “poor common folk”
When we all know you’re the one that’s a joke
And we’re all just waiting for you to croak.

So, when you decide who you wish to be,
Please honor your choice while you’re still free
Because if you don’t, you’ll end up like me;

A somewhat cyborg, a sorta greedy freak
And one at insanity’s highest peak
That watches over those that call them weak.

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