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Camila p.o.v
I groan in annoyance and went to find Lauren which was easy because she's the only one who's wearing white, I ran to her and grab her arm "oh hey camz bout time you got here" she smiled "lo I need your help" I said pulling her out from the crowd.


"I need you to distract Normani so I can get y/n out the house!" She furrowed her eyebrows "why would you want to do that?  don't you want her happy?" She asked making me sigh "yes I do just not with her....look Normani is going to do something bad to y/n-"

"Camila calm down nothings going to happen Normani going to make things right everything is going to be OK" I sighed once more and looked over to where y/n and Normani was at.
The night went it was almost 2 am the Party was jamming. Camila calms down a little and puts all her attention to Lauren. Meanwhile, Normani was trying to get y/n out the House without being caught.

"Babyyyy you look so good tonight" y/n slurred as they made it out the house, making Normani smirk "you also look good too," Normani says pushing y/n's back to the car door and smashing her lips to hers. Normani hands went up y/n shirt slightly squeezing her breast making a moan escape her mouth. Normani unlocks the door and laid y/n on her back on the car seat.
"Lauren where's y/n! I don't see her! Nowhere" Camila yelled over the music, "I thought she was over there" Lauren pointed towards a corner making Camila look "SHES NOT THERE SHES NOT THERE!......Y/N! WHERE ARE YOU" Mila screamed looking all over the house pushing people out the way, she ran outside to see Normani getting into a car and starting it, "STOP!" Camila ran towards it as the car pulled off "shit!"

"Did u find her? Why are you outside?" Lauren ask "she took her"
Camila paused "she took y/n!"
Next day
Y/np.o v

My eyes snap open once the smell of food came to my nostrils, I sat up and immediately laid back down from the headache that started "fuck" I roll to my side a saw two painkillers and a water bottle on the nightstand, instantly took it then got out of the bed I was in and looked at the room I was in which was really unfamiliar.

My eyes snap open once the smell of food came to my nostrils, I sat up and immediately laid back down from the headache that started "fuck" I roll to my side a saw two painkillers and a water bottle on the nightstand, instantly took it then got ou...

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I walked out the room and down the unfamiliar hall 'did I sleep with someone?' I went down the steps and was met by a living room.

I walked all the way inside a turn my head to where I heard humming there sat Normani in the kitchen "what did you do to me!" I yelled making her turn around she smiled "oh baby use your inside voice" she's says walking towards me making me step back

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I walked all the way inside a turn my head to where I heard humming there sat Normani in the kitchen "what did you do to me!" I yelled making her turn around she smiled "oh baby use your inside voice" she's says walking towards me making me step back.

She frowns "answer my question!" She sighed "I didn't do anything to you, baby, I just brought you here because I wanted you back" she spoke "where are we"

"We are still in Austin Texas"

"This is unacceptable" she pouts "I just wanted to make things right y/n"

"Normani how are you making things right when you basically kidnapped me!" I yelled "it's not kidnapping y/n you wanted to go with me"

"That's because I was drunk! Take me home now!" She walked up to me "this is your home" she places her hands on my hips "this is our home" I push her off "no....this is your home Mani, I want to go back to Huston where my friends are at"

"Baby please just calm down, we can make this work we can live the life" I groan "you can live the life with Dinah....because I know she means so much more to you than I would ever!"

"Y/n you mean so much to me, what happened between me and Dinah are over I just want you and only you, I want to be happy again I want to be happy with you"

A sigh escapes my lips "I love you y/n" she says. "I hate to say it but" I mumbled " I love you too," I say hugging her "be my fiance again?" She asks I nod my head as she put the ring that I took off weeks ago back on my finger. " you got to promise me you won't cheat on me again" she smiles "I promise".......

Force To Marry Her Normani/You Fifth Harmony FanficWhere stories live. Discover now