The Elementalist Diaries

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Entry I

"Russell, seriously, you're going to kill us!" I yelled at my lunatic of a best friend, who had forgotten to tell us he never learned how to drive BEFORE we got in the car. He just laughed at me. Jerk.

"No, I'm not! We're immortal, remember? We cant be killed!"  Great, he listens to that crap but he doesnt listen in driver's ed. Goddess, kill me now! Luke and Gwen, two of my best friends, were holding hands just incase Russell did manage to kill us. Stella, my goth best friend with black hair and blonde bangs, sat calmly in the backseat of my truck, muttering in the Old Language. Or Latin, I couldn't really tell. "Stells, you okay?" Russell asked concerned, letting his foot off of the gas. We slowed to a less than insane speed, before we heard a popping sound. All five of us in the car flew forward, restained by our seat belts.

"You BETTER NOT have SCRATCHED my BABY!!!!" I yelled in Russell's ear as he scrambled to get out. I undid my belt and opoened the passenger seat door, exiting gracefully (falling off of the step) and helping Russell (standing and yelling at him). He changed the tire and i hit him over the head, like the good best friend i was. Then we heard it.

A howl went up in the woods, and it wasnt your everyday cayote. That was a werewolf's call.

We took off running in its direction and came upon a battle between the wolves and maybe fifteen vampires. We all rand different ways to surround them. I went straight for the center.

"Yo, mesquitoes!" I yelled. They all looked at me and their eyes darkened red. "Yes, you! Do you think I'm actually talking to the bugs?!" They came at me at I leapt into the air, pulling a dagger out of a sheathe on both of my shins. I ran two of them through and they burst into flames, courtesy of Stella. I beheaded another one which Stella blew up. We continued like this until it was just me and the vampire leader. I ducked as he lunged, throwing him over my shoulder and into a tree, which, thanks to Russell, held him stil so I could slice him from chin to waist. Stella set him on fire and his charred body blew away in the wind.

I turned to look at the shell-shocked wolves. "Meeet us at our truck when you shift back. We have things to talk about," i told them. They nodded, and loped off. We had to have a serious talk if we were going to be staying here fighting together.


We waited in the bed of my blue Chevy, Stella playing her acoustic, Luke drumming on the cab roof, and the rest of us singing. We were a band called "Hidden Harmony", so we just played around like this alot. Then they were there in front of us. I saw familiar faces immediately, but they didnt seem to recognize me.

"Hey, guys. Long time no see," i smirked as their jaws dropped. One face I particularly wanted to see wasnt there. But my brother was.

"Ashlynne! You've grown up, Fire Flower," Jake said, spinning me around. i laughed.

"You could say that. And what about you guys? You are fullfledged werewolves now!" I gushed, hugging each of them.

"Wait, did you know...?" Paul started to ask, but before he could finsh, two blurs rushed past him and engulfed me in a hug.

"Leah, Seth!" I grinned. "i cant breathe, guys," i told them, making them loosen their hold. These were two of my best friends from before I went to year-round boarding school. They were tanner and more muscular than i left. Leah let go when she caught eyes with Russell, and looked down at the ground shyly. This left me snug in Seth's arms against his chest. Ofcourse he had no shirt on, that would just make things too easy... (sarcasm) "So crew, this is Russell Jacobson, Stella Bellimo, Luke Aquarius, and his soulmate and new wife Gwen," Luke grinned when I said the last part, and pulled Gwen to him. I pointed to each of the wolves in turn, carefully avoiding Seth's eyes.

"I'm heading up to Daddy's house, so if anyone who'se coming with me could get in the truck, that would be greatly appreciated," i said, and before Russel could say a word, I continued, "I am driving." He pouted and got into the passenger seat, crossing his arms. We left the werewolves in the dust, driving away. Suddenly, Russell turned to me.

"Why do you keep avoiding that kid, Seth's, eyes?" I looked away from him and concentrated on driving. He moved my chin so I was facing him again.

"Because he's my mate."

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