Part III Entry III

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Seth's POV


"Hey, little man!" I called through Billy's house. I had already received Billy's permission to ask Ashlynne to marry me, but there was one more person who I needed to ask...

"Yeawh?" Nate asked, rounding the corner and walking into the living room where I was sitting. I patted the seat next to me.

"I have a question for you, buddy, a man-to-man question," I started as he hopped up next to me.

"Reawwy?" He asked incredulously. I gave a small smile.

"Yes, really. Nate, I really love your mommy, she's an amazing person, and she's really strong. But even the strongest people need someone to lean on. I'm want to be your Mommy's partner. I want her to marry me. Are you alright with that?" I asked my son, who was looking at me wide-eyed.

"You're going to be our Daddy?" he asked excitedly. I nodded. "You have to pwomise not to hurt Mommy. Ever," he said seriously. I smiled.

"I promise."


Ashlynne's POV

"No! No, no, no, no, I am NOT going out there!" Bella screamed as I pulled her into my arms. Her fluffy purple dress made her weigh about another half of her bodyweight, but I still picked her up.

"Why not?" I asked calmly, knowing what was coming next.

"Because Uncle Jakey is out there," she whispered, horrified. My brother had been teasing my daughters about how they looked like little flowers. Sarah had taken it as a compliment, and Lilly hadn't comprehended it at all. Bella got very offended and insulted for who knows what reason.

"Arabella Leah Black-Clearwater, you look beautiful. Your uncle meant what he said as a compliment! Besides, I love you and would I ever let you wear something that doesn't look good on you?" She shook her head defeatedly. I pressed my lips to her black hair. "I love you, Bella. And I love you, Sarah, and I love Nate, and I love Lilly, and I love Bunny," I said, putting her down and straightening up. I heard the procession song start playing.

"You're on, Ashlynne," Lilly told me, peeking in. My bridesmaids were my sisters, Rachel and Rebecca, Leah, Stella, Gwen, and Lilly, and Emily, Kim, and Bella Cullen were my wedding planners.

Russell and Luke were the musicians, and Stella slipped up there from time to time to sing. Gwen couldnt, she was so far along that she had to sit through most of the ceremony anyway.

Jacob, Embry, Quil, Sam, Jarrod, and Paul were the best men, which was the funniest thing ever because they were doing this wierd little dance that they had come up with. Apparently, they were bothering Nate with it.

Nate, being the youngest boy, was the ring bearer. The rings were seated on a cute, periwinkle cushion inlayed with gold embroidery. Kim had had ALOT of fun with it.

My dress was beautiful, if I do say so myself. The bodice was sequined, and was completely black. At my waist hung a thick, white ribbon, with a black sequined flower the size of a volleyball. Two thick, white ribbons hung from it, giving it a more regal appearance. There were two white petal-like overskirts, one on either side, that overlapped right at my waist and separated on the way down. Underneath everything was a soft, white, pleated ball gown skirt that pulled everything together. My gown reached the floor, and luckily, I did NOT step on it.

Seth looked amazing. His black hair was back, out of his face, and he seemed to have forgotten his tie, so he had left his white dress shirt loosely buttoned.

As I finally reached him, and my Dad, who had been wheeling along beside me, gave me to him, I leaned toward his ear.

"You seem to be missing something," I told him, making his eyes go wide in fear. 'Probably wondering what he forgot,' I thought, grinning evilly. "Where is your tie?" He let out a quiet breath that he'd been holding.

"None of the guys could tie it on, so we gave up," he admitted. I giggled silently.

"Don't worry, you're not the only one. I'm wearing my knee-high converse!" I told him laughingly.

"Do you, Seth Damian, take Ashlynne Therese for your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do."

"Ashlynne Therese, do you take Seth Damian to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do."

"I pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride!"

A cheer went up as our lips met. I smiled into the kiss.


Seth's POV

Our kids frolicked around the playground that so long ago we had played on. I sat on the wooden bench, my mate tight to my chest, overseeing my children.

"By the way, who was that girl? The one who turned Zane into dust?" I asked, looking at Ashlynne. She smiled peacefully.

"THAT was the Goddess, the Prophecy Child. Emiliegh (Emily) Adams, the person all Elementalists pledge their lives to..." she gazed off, as if in a memory. "When she calls, we respond, no matter where we are or what we are doing. Well, I guess if the Elementalist happens to be a doctor and their performing a surgery she wouldn't mind..." I cut off her rambling by pressing my lips to hers. We both pulled away, breathless.

"Well, that was a sweet way of telling me to shut up," she told me with a smile.

"Maybe I should do it again," I threatened playfully.

"Maybe you should," she replied with a smirk, getting up and running.

"Oh, no, you don't!" I called, chasing after her. Sarah and Bella were giggling, Lilly was sucking her thumb, holding Bunny in the other hand, and Nate was laughing so hard he fell over.

Needless to say, we had a happy ending.


Lilly's POV

I looked away from the family at the playground and looked at my husband. We were taking a walk along the beach, and Charlotte was running ahead, skipping in the sand with her cousin, Renesmee.

"You know, after all this group's been through, I'm glad everyone had their happy ending," I told him as he wrapped his muscled arm around me. He kissed my hair and hugged me.

"I know, baby, we've been to hell and back," he affirmed. Suddenly, Renesmee and Charlotte were right infront of us, eyes wide and curious.

"What happened?" Renesmee asked, Charlotte's small hand in her own. Jake and I looked at each other.

"When you're older, we'll tell you," my mate promised them. They moaned and groaned, and skipped off ahead again, completely forgetting about it.

"Jake, I don't want to tell them," I admitted guiltily. He took my hand in his own.

"Lilly, you are my mate and I love you more than anything. I know its painful, but things can be learned from it," Jake told me, looking deeply into my eyes. "We'll have to tell them Our Story."

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