Entry III- Vegan Vamps

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Everyone kept telling me I'd given some prophecy that night. To be truthful, I didn't doubt it. No one has ever witnessed us when we lose control on full moon. We could be spouting the entire future on those nights, and we wouldn't even know!

Seth started spending the night at my house. Dad didn't mind, he remembered being young and in love. Seth was always sure to stay on his good side, unlike Paul, who seemed to be begging to get kicked out of the house. He had been staying with Rachel, but he was being a jerk. Jake had moved out with Lilly when their daughter, Charlotte, was born. She was one incredible kid, let me tell you. Daddy mailed me pictures when she was born. Jake proposed when Charlotte was 2 years old, and they got married in my junior year. Now they've been married for a year and a half, and Charlotte is about four. I love my niece.

Sam and Emily are getting married in August. They asked me to sing since Sam heard us messing around musically in my truck. I'm going to be wearing a bridesmaid's dress, too, I'll just be in the choir loft with the band instead of with the other girls.

Bella was now a vampire, turned by the vegetarian coven that lived by our school in Canada for a while. Apparently, she married in, and she had a daughter named Renesmee. I haven't met her yet, but I've heard the kid's really close with her cousin, Charlotte.

Jarrod FINALLY imprinted on Kim. I knew her in grammar school, she's had a crush on him for forever! She was so happy when he returned the feelings. Claire, Quil's mate, moved in with Emily for the summer. She's five.

Embry imprinted on Stella, and has been trying to get her to go cliff-diving with him. Thing is, being the hothead she is, she's afraid of water and can't swim. So they've been in the kiddie pool all morning. Russell and Leah disappeared somewhere in the woods, holding hands. So Seth and I are the only ones doing anything interesting.

We're having a food fight.

"Take THAT, you scalawag!" I laughed, trying to talk in Captain Hook's voice from Peter Pan. I hit him with a spoon, covered in the vanilla cake mix we had started working on.

"Never! Faith, trust, and pixie dust!" Seth yelled, jumping off of the counter, pretending to fly.

"If Emily comes in here and sees this, I am so blaming you," I told him with a laugh, hitting him with the spoon on the cheek. He wiped it off with his finger and ate it. "Seth!" I laughed at him. He just shrugged.

"Needed more sugar anyway," he told me, a sweet smile creeping onto his face. I put my arms around his waist and stayed there, completely comfortable. He enveloped me with his arms, and we just stood there in the middle of the cake batter splattered room.

"We should probably run before Emily knows we've been in her kitchen," I told him softly. He just pulled me closer.

"Emily already knows you've been in her kitchen," a firm voice said from the doorway. We looked up and speaking of the devil, there she was.

"It was ALL Seth," I told her with a nod. He growled at me playfully, but it made my heart leap happily anyway.

"Yeah, SURE. This was all Seth. And that's why you have cake batter in your hair," Emily scoffed, looking pointedly at me. I kept a straight face.

"It was COMPLETELY Seth," I told her seriously. She burst out laughing and I tilted my head to the side.

"What are you laughing about? This is a serious matter," I said, my calm slowly deteriorating. Seth had joined in with Emily, laughing like hyenas. Wolves can't laugh, I told myself with an inner smile, but mine can.

"You are such a little liar!" Emily laughed, gasping for air. "You still do that face when you get caught. You scrunch up your nose and you do this half-disgusted, half-frown thing," she told me. I raised an eyebrow.

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