Entry II- Midnight Gate Crashers ;)

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"Daddy, I'm home," Ashlynne yelled into her house, stepping inside and out of my view. Her new friends followed her, laughing at her antics. I ran back towards my house, and went in through the back door. Leah was already making lunch for our brother-sister bonding time.

"Hey, Seth! It's great that Ashlynne's back, isnt it? I mean, everyone's been different since she left, and now she comes back with kick-ass....," she looked at me and sensed something was bothering me. "Powers. What's wrong?" She asked, finishing her previous sentence. She sat on the couch with me and handed me a tuna fish sub, having an Italian sub herself. I gave her a half-smile.

"You know me too well for your own good," I teased, taking a bite out of my sandwich. "Thank you for making mine, too." She shrugged off the thanks and focused on me.

"What is WRONG?" She asked again, looking straight into my eyes. I sighed.

"It's just, when Ashes came back... it felt like she never looked into my eyes," I admitted. She sat back, contemplating this. Her mind seemed to reach a conclusion. Ofcourse, being my sister, she didn't TELL me said conclusion.

"What do you think?" I asked her impatiently, after she tried to sidetrack me with conversation a few times. By that time, it was getting darker, and we were supposed to head for the pack campfire.

Leah sighed, and started heading for the door. I fell in step with her. "Well?" I asked her. She shook he head.

"Ashlynne has to tell you herself," she replied, getting into the passenger seat of Mom's car, since she was taking us. I climbed into the back and tried to slip back into my normal attitude. I didn't know why this was affecting me so much...

When we reached the campfire, everyone was there setting up. Sam Uley, our Alpha, and Paul Lahote, our pack hothead, were starting the fire, adding huge pieces of wood to it so it would last the entire night. All of the mates were here, too, including Quil's five year old mate, Claire. He only acts as whatever she needs, and right now, that's an older brother. Leah disappeared into the woods the minute we got out of the car.

I felt a little left out. I was one of the three that didn't have a mate. Sam had Emily, Jake had Lilly, Jared had Kim, Paul had Rachel, Quil had Claire... Embry, Leah, and I were the only ones without mates, and it kinda made me feel empty. Somewhere out there is a girl who belongs with me, and I'm gonna find her.

The campfire began and at about eleven fifty, when the full moon was almost directly above our heads, and the story that Billy Black and the other Elders told was almost over, we heard a huge wave crash onto the sound.

The fire blazed to about ten feet, and the earth started trembling slightly. Not enough to throw us off balance, but it was noticeable. Then there was a strong wind and the water from the ocean started to rise in humongous waves.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" I heard a soft familiar voice ask by my shoulder. I turned to meet Ashlynne's striking green eyes, and fell into them, falling in love. "That's Luke's magic at work. At midnight, our powers are their strongest, especially on the full moon," she continued as if she didn't notice the mate bond. "That's why I picked now to bond our packs." I was confused. Did she not feel anything?

Suddenly, her eyes were averted by the flames, glowing orange and yellow. I had a really strong urge to turn her face back to mine, so I could kiss her, but I didn't. I didn't want to force her.

She started to walk toward Sam and Jake, who were standing protectively between Emily, Lilly and the feral waters. The water started twisting and contorting into the shape of our tattoos, the sign of the werewolf, but it was completely lifted out of the water and was suspended in the air.

"Luke! Gwen!" She called out over the water. Her voice echoed, loudly and powerfully. The water fell back into the ocean, and two people were floating in the water. "Stella! Russell!" She called into the woods. Stella jumped down from a tree as Gwen and Luke reached the shore, immediately dry. We were too shocked and confused to react. Russell and Leah stepped out of the darkness and Russel joined the other four at the edge of the water. Leah stepped to my side, as if she knew what was going on. They walked in step with each other to the edge of the fire, still at it's extreme height.

"Alpha," Gwen said, offering her a silver dagger. Ashlynne smiled sadly at her, accepting it, then glared at Luke.

"You better fix it good," she warned him roughly. Russell snickered at his friend's scared face, ruining the dramatic mood. Ashlynne glared at him until he choked on his laughter an shut up. She turned to look at Sam and Jake. "We come to join our team with your pack. Three of us have mated within your pack and we wish to make this our home, as there is an abnormal amount of metaphysical creatures surrounding this place. To complete this joining, we must perform a blood bond, becoming blood brothers. And sisters," she smiled, looking at all of the girls in the clearing. "Do you accept this joining, blood Alpha?" She asked looking at Jake. He nodded. "Do you accept the bond, Alpha?" She asked again, looking at Sam. He nodded, as well. Then she did something that made three of the guys hold me back.

She slid the dagger against her own bronze skin, from her wrist to the inside of her elbow. Her crimson blood stained the sand as she handed the dagger to Sam. He hesitated, seeing how she winced.

"Seriously? Do it, before I heal!" She thundered at him, ruining the mood again. He slit his arm hastily, and then Jake followed suit. Emily and Lilly hid their faces so they wouldn't see their mates in pain. I wish I could.

"Alphas of the La Push Werewolf Pack, I bond myself to you, along with my pack," she breathed, gritting her teeth.

"And likewise," Sam and Jake said together. The touched their already healing arms together, mingling the blood.

"The bond has been completed this full moon, at this midnight. May we live long in friendship, together," she finished, stepping back to her place with the other four, handing the dagger to Luke, in whose hands it melted into a puddle of water. He took that water and pinched the slit skin of her arm, healing it. "Thanks, Luke," she gasped, her voice laced with pain.

"Anytime," he replied, holding her up. Embry, Quil, and Jared released me and I jogged over to Ashlynne, hoping she was alright.

"I am really glad I can never do that again," she admitted to me as I held her close. I buried my face into her shoulder and inhaled her scent to calm down. "You were really close to going wolf, huh?" She asked. I just pressed a kiss to her hair.

"Hm, my mate, whom I have just found, cut her own arm with a dagger. Yes, I was very, very close to going wolf," I told her dryly. She stood on her toes and pressed her lips to mine.

"Good, that's what I was aiming for," she teased, ducking away. I gaped in mock outrage and chased her around the beach. Damn, she was faster than me! And I'm a werewolf!

The full moon hit it's summit in the sky and each of the five Elementalists stopped short and looked up to the moon, eyes clouded.

"They come," Ashlynne whispered, entranced. "They know we completed the bond. They know we have the powers," her eyes had turned to a mix of orange, green, blue, and white swirls, blocking from sight her brown irises. Gwen shivered, and Luke pulled her into him. "We must begin the training," she told us.

"Training for what?" I asked her, not knowing if she would even hear me.

"The battle between good and evil," tears started to drip from her eyes, as if she was seeing something in the future that she didn't want to happen. "AND HE SHALL BETRAY THE FEMALE ALPHA'S TRUST."

The moon moved, and Ashlynne fell to the ground, tears drying on her cheeks. I picked her up and sat on a log, soothing her.

She looked into my eyes, confused. "Seth, I have a question," she began, snuggling closer to me for body warmth.

"What?" I asked softly, so only she could hear. She looked around at everyone's faces, then turned back to me.

"What in the hell did I just SAY?!"

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