"You want to give me a blow job?"

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Rey's POV

"I'm just a Teenage Dirtbag, princess."

My heart started beating faster at his words.

I hated to be called princess, my mom always called me that, but it was strange how I liked it when Niall called me that. It made me feel special.

But I wasn't going to let him know that.

I closed my eyes and started counting so I would fall asleep, even though that was highly doubtful.


When I woke up on that Thursday morning it was cloudy outside and I immediately knew it was going to be a rainy day, which meant it was going to be a Tumblr/Supernatural/movie day.

When I realized that I was literally drooling on Niall's chest I sat up, wiping the corner of my mouth and his chest.

"Mm babe if you want to rub me do it somewhere else.", he said and opened his eyes, before rubbing them.

He looked like a little kid who just woke up from a nightmare and needed his mommy.


"Delilah? Delilah are you in there?", my grandma's voice was heard from outside my room.

My eyes widened and Niall bit his lip, smiling.

"I heard talking, I'm coming in."

"Under the bed.", I whispered and he looked at me confused, but I pushed him off the bed right when the door opened and grandma came in.

I saw Niall's hair disappear under the bed and looked at my grandma, smiling.

"Hey. What's up?", I asked then took in her elegant appearance. "Are you going somewhere?"

"Your grandfather and I were invited to a wedding today. It's in Belfast so we'll spend the night there. We'll be home tomorrow-probably around evening."

"And you had to wake me up to tell me this?"

"Well I was thinking about leaving a note on the mirror in the bathroom, but I passed by your room and heard you were up. And I thought you slept over at your friends'?"

"Oh. No, I came home."

"Good. There's money on the counter in the kitchen in case you want to order pizza or something. And if you go out, which I don't really recommend since they said it was going today, make sure to lock the door."

"Yeah grandma."

"Don't forget to eat, alright?"

"Yeah grandma."

"I don't want you to relapse, nobody wants that."

"Grandma, you should go. It's getting late.", I mumbled.

"Don't change the subject."

"I'm going back to sleep, goodnight."

I forcefully layed down on the bed and pulled the blanket over my head. I heard her sigh and say:

"Alright, we're leaving. Behave. Oh. And if you're uncomfortable with being alone tonight, you can sleep over with Katherine at Jade's or whatever."

I didn't answer and she said goodbye, before I heard the door shut. I got out of bed because I had to pee, but stopped when I remembered Niall.

"Niall.", I said and I saw him crawl from under the bead, before getting in bed and pulling the blanket over him.

"Leave me to sleep.", he mumbled and I rolled my eyes.

Teenage Dirtbag (Punk Niall Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now