"I want you to be mine."

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Rey's POV

I blinked a few times then I stirred awake. The sun was shining through the big window and it took me a few seconds to realise that I wasn't actually in my room.

It as Niall's, judging by the naked girl posters and the huge TV. I frowned at a girl who was cupping her breasts quite vulgary.

I don't look like that...

I turned my head and pressed my face into Niall's chest. He didn't move, he was still asleep.

I pushed my index finger and pushed it into his belly button, which made him immediately open his eyes.

"What the fuck?", he mumbled and my stomach fluttered at his morning voice.

"Hi.", I smiled and he looked down at me, his expression softening.

"Did that hurt?"

"Yeah my cock."

I smiled shyly and rolled off of him. I slipped into my pants.

"What are you doing?", he asked and I stood next to him by the bed.

One of his hands was draped over his stomach and the other one was under his head.

"Home? Before grandma wakes up and has a heart attack."

He glanced at me and I stared at me, and I suddenly realised what I had just said.


"No problem."

"Um, okay then? Bye."

I wanted to turn around and awkwardly leave, but he caught my had and pulled me back so I almost fell over him.

"Stay for breakfast."

"But your parents are-"

"They're gone today. Something about wedding planning."

"Oh. Okay. Well, do you want me to make you pancakes?"

His eyes lit up and his mouth opened.

"Wh- are you serious? Oh god-I fuck- yeah. Yeah."

I smiled and told him that I'll get to work after I brush my teeth and hair.

So I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth with his toothbrush, combed my hair and peed. I also sprayed myself with some of his deodorant that I absolutely loved how it smelled on him. Before I exited the bathroom, I looked around for razor blades. I knew it was nosy of me, but I couldn't help myself. I didn't find any.

I went downstairs to see a note on the fridge from his mum, saying that she was going to get some flower arrangements done because the wedding was in a month and they had to do it quick because she was pregnant.

I started looking through cupboards for the necessary ingredients.

I was halfway through the process of making the batter, when Niall appeared in the kitchen, wearing a pair of basketball shorts and a shirt.

He leaned against the counter and watched me.

"You know you could help me.", I said.

"With what?", he asked and I started giving him instructions, to which he obeyed.

Soon, we were flipping pancakes.

"Look, I can toss them in the air.", I said.

"You're going to burn yourself.", he stated and I rolled my eyes, throwing the pancake in the air, which unfortunately landed on my wrist, burning me.

"Ah!", I yelped and he sighed, taking the frying pan out of my hand and placing the ruined pancake in it.

"Put that under water."

I listened to him and ran my wrist under cold water.

He finished the pancakes by himself and a minute later each of us was eating 4 pancakes with strawberry jam.

My eyes fell on his exposed wrists, staring at the scars. They seemed to be healing, and that made me smile.

"Tell be about your eating disorder."

My fork froze right in front of my mouth and I put it back down.

"If you tell me about your self harm problem after."

"Alright.", he said after hesitating for a moment.

I shifted in my seat and put one leg under my bum.

"Well um, it started when I was twelve. I was in sixth grade and weighed 180 pounds, was like 5 feet tall."

He didn't make a disgusted face like I expected him to do. So I continued.

"There were a couple of kids at school that used to make fun of my weight and such, calling me names...whatever. Then one day I just stopped eating, because suddenly I stopped feeling hungry. I used to eat like, less than 200 calories a day. And in six months, I was down to 70 pounds. No one really noticed, and no one would've thought I had an eating disorder-they all thought I was exercising. Until, one day as I was about to get in the bathtub, my mum accidentally walked in on me in the bath-she wanted a shampoo. She started crying as soon as she saw me. She told me to get dressed and I knew that was it. She took me to the hospital immediately and they diagnosed me with Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Nervosa. I stayed in rehab three months and gained 20 pounds, so I got to 90. Slowly I started eating normally and everything went back to normal."

I looked at him, waiting for his reaction.

"Did you make yourself throw up?"

I nodded.


"After every time I ate."

His eyes fell on my plate.

"But not anymore."


I stood up and walked to the fridge to get a fruit yoghurt.

I leaned against the counter and looked at him as I ate.

"Now you tell."

Sat up from his seat and walked towards me. I looked up at him innocently as I licked the spoon.

He smiled and bit his lip, his hands coming down to my hips, lifting me up on the counter.

"Later.", he said and took the yoghurt out of my hand, before he bent down and kissed me.

"But...", I started and my words died down as he kissed the side of my face.

"You smell like men deodorant."

I looked up at him and his thumb brushed against my bottom lip, before he dived in for a kiss again.

I continued the kiss for a bit, before I pushed him away.

"Tell me."

He whined and I knew then that he didn't want to.

"You're being unfair.", I said pushing him away again, this time jumping off the counter.

"You're being bitchy."

I blinked.

"Well then. Bye."

I was so mad as I walked into the hallway, dressed up and grabbed my backpack.

He didn't stop me.

It was stupid, I know, but I hated when people weren't keeping their promises-and Niall once said that he always kept his promises.

When I got home, I was met by a very frustrated Katherine who had a crisis because she didn't know what to wear tomorrow for her birthday party that was going to take place at Jade's-her and Jake's parents were out of the town until Sunday.

She told me that she planned a big party and everyone was invited, then our group would have a sleepover.

She then picked out a leather skirt and heels for me and told me that it was going to be a great birthday.


Needless to say, the next day grandma showered her with gifts and I hugged her, wishing her happy birthday.

At 7pm on the dot we were in front of Jade's and Jake's door, ringing the bell.

We both had backpacks in which we had pajamas and a change of clothes.

Rey, Niall and Kitty: http://www.polyvore.com/happy_birthday_katherine/set?id=102422660

Our group was already there, and when they saw Katherine, they yelled happy birthday and came to hug her.

I learned that Jade and Jake's parents were gone to Dublin for business purposes, so they had the house tho themselves for the rest of the week.

Jade poured everyone some beer in blue paper cups and after Jake made a small toast, we all downed our drinks.

I wasn't looking at Niall but I really hoped he was looking at me.

An hour later everyone who was everyone showed up and the party was in full swing.

Katherine was extremely happy and she told me about her top 5 guys she wanted to have birthday sex with. Well, not really 'told', more like slurred:

"I want...Sean...and Harry cause he's fucking hot...and Logan and oh shit Sam. But the one most probably to fuck me tonight iiiis...", she trailed off swinging an arm around my shoulder as we stood next to each other in the corner by the huge stereo system.

Niall is going to have sex with her 100%

She's going to say Niall


Wait, what?

"Fuck, I want him so fucking bad. He's so, ugh."

"Ricky?", I asked suprised.

She nodded.

"It thought you were going to say Niall."

She shrugged. "Niall's alright, but he's yours, isn't he?"

"Um, no he isn't."

"Anyway, it was fun while it lasted, but I'm leaving in less than a week so it's not going to work out."

"Did you like him?", i asked.

"I fancied him but now I kind of like someone else.", she confessed and suddenly she seemed sobered up.


She nodded and bit her lip, then smiled at someone in the crowd, before she left me alone.

I looked around for Niall, to find him talking to a girl I've never seen before.

"Hey!", I yelled into Jade's ear, who was getting high with two other people and Louis.

"Hey! Want one?", she asked holding her joint up.

"Um, no thanks. Where is Sean?"

"He slipped and hit his head against the counter in the kitchen. He's in the bathroom."

I opened my mouth to ask her where the bathroom was, but she answered before I could make out any words:

"Third door up the stairs to the left, on the right side."


I followed her direction, before I got to the door and knocked on it.

"I'm fuckin' busy!", his voice was heard and I laughed.

"It's me!", I yelled to make sure he heard me over the loud music.

The door opened a few seconds later, and Sean stood there with an open cut on his forehead.

"You alright?"

"Yeah, I just slipped on the bloody floor because an idiot spilled his drink. Shit, I need a bandage."

"Jade may have some in her room."

"Yeah. C'mon."

I followed him to Jade's room, where he started searching through her drawers.

"Aha.", he said and struggled with opening the bandage.

"Let me.", I said and took it from his hands, before I put it on his temple, where he was actually hurt, not his forehead.

"Thanks.", he breathed and suddenly I realized how close we actually were.

Then he leaned in and kissed me. I continued the kiss and the next thing I new, his tongue was in my mouth and his hands were on my hips.

He walked me back until I hit Jade's desk, and without thinking twice about it, I pulled his shirt off.

If Niall's getting together with other girls, then so can I

He smirked when his shirt hit the floor and lifted me up before pushing me down on my back on the desk. He leaned over me and continued kissing me, his hands slipping under my skirt.

But then the door opened and both of our heads snapped towards it. Niall stood there, one hand on the doorknob and the other on the doorframe.

His eyes travelled from Sean to me, then back to him, then back to me.

Sean mumbled something under his breath that I couldn't really catch, and then he took a few steps back.

"We're doing body shots and then we'll sing happy birthday.", Niall said bitterly, before he stepped aside and waited for us to come out of the room.

I watched Sean, purposefully avoiding Niall's stare as he put his shirt on.

"Thanks for the cockblock mate.", Sean said sarcastically, tapping Niall on the shoulder as he passed him.

I followed quickly, trying to get out of having to explain myself-which I didn't have to because I didn't belong to anyone and I was mature enough to make my own choices.

But Niall had other things in mind, before he placed his hand on the doorframe again and blocked my way out of the bedroom.

I stared up at him, not saying anything.

"What the fuck.", he said and before I could say anything else, he continued. "What the fuck were you doing with him."

"Why do you care?", I snapped.

"You can't...", he started but stopped himself.

"I'm not yours so you can't forbid me to kiss Sean! Or anyone else for that matter. And now move, so I can go downstairs and sing happy birthday to my cousin."

He stared me straight in the eye for a couple of seconds, then he stepped aside letting me pass.

When I got downstairs, there was a table placed in the living room that wasn't there before, and almost everyone (except of a few couples that were humping each other in the corners or on the couch) was huddled around it.

"Body shoooots!", Katherine yelled and jumped on the table, before laying down, revealing her stomach.

"Alright, everyone, get in line!", Jade yelled with a bottle of Vodka in her hand and a shot glass in the other. Ricky stood by her side, with salt, a lime and a knife.

Katherine crossed her ankles and smiled up at me once I got by her side to see what were they going to do.

"Who goes first?", Jake asked from the other side and a few boys immediately reacted.

After a few people did body shots of each other, I finally fully understood the whole process: someone lays down and has a salt striped poured from their belly button up to their collarbones. They have a lime wedge between their teeth and Vodka is poured on their stomach/belly button. Then someone else has to quickly drink all the Vodka and lick the stripe of salt up, before taking the lime from their mouths.

A few other boys and girls followed, before that girl I saw earlier talking to Niall got her turn. She pulled her shirt up to her bra and smiled when Jade poured the salt on her. I rolled my eyes as she bit seductively into the lime wedge and kept it between her teeth, not breaking eye contact with Niall, who was at her side, across from me, waiting.

"And...go!", Jade said once she poured the drink across her stomach.

Niall's lips came down to her skin quickly and he sucked all the liquid that was on her stomach, before he licked up the stripe, making her giggle. I bit my lip as I watched him take the lime out of her mouth and suck on it. Then he leaned down again to kiss her and she continued, making everyone around them cheer and yell.

I hope she slips from the table and just dies


She got down from the table, her shirt falling into place, before Jade said that there was Vodka for only one more body shot.

Everyone was tipsy, if not wasted at that point. Sean said he'll do it, and asked me to do the body shot. I was hesitant at first but I felt like everyone was watching me and I got anxious.

"Alright.", I agreed and he smirked, leaning down and exposing his stomach. He had a couple of tattoos there and I felt his eyes on me as Jade did her thing.

"Don't be nervous babe, you'll do just fine.", he tried to encourage me, but all I could do was fake smile as I my fingers kept fidgeting.

"Okay ready Rey?", Jade asked and I didn't even get a chance to answer because she poured the drink on his stomach.

I reached the lime part but all I wanted was to be swallowed by a hole and never come back. This was so embarrassing.

After I took the lime out of his mouth, Sean pulled me by the head and kissed me.

I continued kissing him, until Jade actually pulled me off of him because we had to sing happy birthday. We promised Jake and Jade's parents that the party wasn't going to last past midnight, and it was almost 1am.

Not even a minute later, Hannah and Kaylee emerged from the kitchen holding the huge birthday cake. Everyone sung happy birthday but all that really came out was a drunken song that sounded like 'Happy burfday to yaaah'.

After that, Katherine blew her candles and Niall smashed her face into the cake, before she leaned up on her tip toes and asked Niall to lick it off. He laughed but didn't do as asked.

I didn't get to eat a piece of cake because I went to the bathroom to wash the taste of Vodka and lime out of my mouth, so by the time I came back out, people were either passed out, finishing their cake or leaving.

After almost everyone left, we started searching through the house for people who passed out in random places so we could wake them up and get them out of the house.

It was only when the last drunk person was pushed out the door, which was slammed and locked by Sean, that I got really nervous. I mean, we were about to change into our pajamas and I was about to have my first boy-girl sleepover.

I mean, I've already had 'sleepovers' with Niall, but this time it was with everyone and that made me nervous for some reason.

"We're sleeping in my room.", Jade said turning to me as all of us walked up the stairs. (Sean almost pushed Jake off the stairs and Katherine jumped on Ricky's back, who almost fell and killed them both.)

"Wait, you mean we're not going to sleep in the same room?", Sean slurred pouting.

"Some other time loverboy.", Jade replied and pushed him after Niall in Jake's room.

"MAYBE SOME TIME WE CAN HAVE A PRIVATE SLEEPOVER!", Sean called and I blushed because all the girls were looking at me, wiggling their eyebrows.

We took turns to Jade's bathroom and half an hour later, all six of us were in pajamas. Jade and Katherine were sharing Jade's bed, while Hannah, Kaylee and I were on the floor, in sleeping bags.

"Feels weird to be 19.", Katherine said a bit after the light was turned off and everything was silent.

No one commented on that, and Katherine started mumbling about college and stuff, before she drifted off to sleep in a middle of a sentence.

"I can't wait to go to New York because of all the ho..."

I don't know for how long I've stared at the ceiling (I lost count at 392), so I sat up and looked around the room. The streetlamps were barely lighting up the room, but I could see that everyone was sleeping.

"Psst.", I said, waiting for someone to answer.

No one did.

I got up trying to make no sound, then I made sure not to step on anything or anyone as I made my way out of the room.

I had to pee.

After I peed, I washed my face and stared at myself in the mirror, the images of Sean and I's little 'thing' flashing through my mind again.

As I walked back towards the room, I finally stopped right in front of Jake's door. (Judging from the half naked Megan Fox poster on the door, it was probably his.)

I pushed the door open and looked around the room to see if anyone was still awake.

There was a light coming from the corner of the room, and because Jake was sleeping on his bed, Ricky was alseep on the floor and Sean was faced down on a couple pillows, I assumed it came from Niall, who I saw on the couch.

I tip toed inside the room and stopped when I was a few meters away from Niall. He was leaning against a couple of pillows on the armrest and he was scrolling and typing away on his phone. When he saw me, he stopped and lifted his head up to look at me.

He locked his phone and the room got dark again, but I could still see him thanks to the fact that the curtains were open.

"What's wrong?", he asked and I shrugged.

"Couldn't sleep.", I said and walked towards him.

He lifted the blanket off him, inviting me to cuddle up to him, which may or may not caused some butterflies in my stomach.

I climbed on the couch and he shifted so I could fit next to his side.

"You smell like cereal."

"Got hungry.", he shrugged and put his hand around my shoulders, pulling me closer to him.

I wrapped my arm around his torso and put my head on his chest. I traced my palm up and down his shirt.

"What are you doing?", he asked chuckling and I stopped my movements.

"Your shirt is soft. I'm going to sleep with my face in it.", I said and nuzzled my nose in his chest, closing my eyes.

After a while, I lifted my head up and placed my chin on his chest.

"Tell me about your self harm problem."

I felt his chest tense under my arm, and because I couldn't see his face, I rolled so I was laying over him.

He parted and bended his legs, and I placed my palms on his chest.

His left hand went under his head and he hesitated.


My heart started beating faster and I rested my chin on the back of my hand, watching him.

"Well, um, when I was fifteen my brother left for college so I was the only kid left in the house. I got really close to my dad because he was the only guy left. But then after I turned sixteen he got a job offer in New York and Ann, you know, the woman I was shagging was moving to USA because she also had a job promotion. My dad said it was a one time opportunity for him and he didn't want to mess it up. He wanted the whole family to move to America, but my mum didn't want to move. I hated her for that. She only thought about herself and I couldn't understand why she didn't want to move. Of course, a week later dad gave her a deadline to think about it. The same day I walked in on her fucking Larry. Should've seen it coming. And then dad figured it out and they got into a huge fight."

I didn't say anything, I waited him to continue.

"They were yelling and I'm sure at one point my mum threw a vase at his head. And then he stormed out. It was only the next day I found out they decided to divorce. He was going to accept the job in New York and she was going to stay here. I was so angry and...I don't know. I mean, they didn't even care about what I wanted. They forgot I was there. So I packed a bag and ran away. They didn't even notice until two hours later. I went to my grandma, she was happy to see me and I told her everything. But um, it didn't make me happier. So that night I went out and got drunk and somehow I ended up in this guys' tattoo place-a guy that was at the bar that night. He gave me a skull tattoo and a lip ring. It hurt, but I realised I loved the pain, I felt like I deserved it for some reason. I thought that because I didn't get good grades and because I wasn't good enough my parents didn't care. So that night when I got home, I just took the razor and slid it over my thighs. It was good and I felt relieved. And then I started doing it every night."

"So why did you go home?", I whispered.

"Because my grandma had to leave for a funeral in London the next day and I couldn't stay there forever. Plus, I missed school. But before I went back, I went and asked Joe-that was the name of the guy who gave me all these tattoos- for another tattoo. It was the um, the black heart on the back of my neck."

"What does it symbolize?"

He hesitated. "It means that love is shit and it doesn't exist. I mean, if not even your parents love you-the people who are supposed to love you no matter what-, then how can someone else? It's stupid, I know. But it's a reminder that no one really loves you just because."

I love you just because

"So that's why you don't do girlfriends? Because you know they won't love you?"

"No. I don't do girlfriends because I have never met a girl that was really worth it."


"I don't want to love because no one will ever really love me for no reason."

I do

"What if someone does-I mean, maybe someone will, some day. What are you going to do then?"

"Then it's their fault. Don't expect me to return the feelings-I won't."

I closed my eyes, then opened them again. "Um, okay. Well-I should go back? Uh, yeah."

I rolled off of him and stood up.

Ask me to stay please

I was at the door when he told me to wait. I turned around and he was already in front of me.

He cupped my face and pressed a kiss to my lips.

"Goodnight princess.", he whispered against my lips.

My heart was going crazy and I couldn't resist the urge to wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him properly.

He smiled against my lip but continued kissing me.

"Okay that's disgusting."

I almost screamed and Niall pulled away quickly.

We both looked at Ricky who was now looking at us.

"Can you take this somewhere else? Do you have any idea what sound your tongues make? I'm trying to sleep."

"Shut the fuck up.", Niall laughed, which made Sean mumble and roll over.

"Well then, goodnight.", I said and without saying anything else, I slipped out the door and went back to Jade's room.

I barely slept that night.


The next morning I was awaken by a smiling Kaylee who told me that the guys were demanding waffles with bananas. Apparently Niall told them I knew how to cook and now they were all excited.

I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth before I changed into the short onesie I brought (Katherine decided we were going to have a day in at Jade's since it was probably the last chance we got for all of us to be together).

I decided to leave my hair in its natural form (which meant that it was curly) and put my glasses on.

"Aw you look so cute!", was the first thing I heard when I came into the kitchen.

The guys were in the living room playing Fifa and the girls were in the kitchen talking.

Everyone: http://www.polyvore.com/make_me_sanwich_please/set?id=102422574

Hannah and I started making waffles, and when they were done, we called everyone for breakfast.

"So cute babe.", Sean said pinching my cheek as he sat down next to me. I blushed and thanked him for the compliment, making eye contact with Niall as I took a bite out of the waffles.

"So what are we doing today?", Ricky asked.

"Watching movies! It's rainy weather anyway.", Jade suggested and I nodded. Eventually everyone agreed and after they were all done with breakfast, the boys returned to their game, promising that they would watch whatever movie we wanted as soon as they finish their match.

"So here is the list of movies I have, we should choose one."

"Why just one?", Kaylee asked leaning over the list, propped up by her elbows.

"You know they won't last more than four hours without that stupid game of theirs.", Jade stated and Katherine laughed, nodding.

"Well The Notebook is a must, it's tradition. And, choose a horror movie for their sake."

"How about Friday the 13th?"

"It's settled then!", Katherine said smiling and clapping, just as a thunder was heard.

We walked in the living room to see the guys fighting over who was going to play the next game.

"We're going to watch a movie now!", Jade said jumping on the couch.

"What the fuck, no!", Sean protested and pushed her off.

"But I'm going away in two days!", Katherine whined and dropped herself on one of the two armchairs.

Sean rolled his eyes and the boys agreed.

"What movie are we watching though?"

"First Friday the 13th then The Notebook, then we order pizza."

"The Notebook?", Ricky sighed and I looked at Niall, who smiled but rolled his eyes.

"Fine.", Jake said and leaned back in the couch.

Sean, Jake and Ricky were sitting on the couch, and I was pulled by Sean between him and the armrest.

Hannah and Jade sat in front of the couch on the floor, Kaylee sprawled out on one of the armchairs and Katherine placed herself on the armrest of Niall's armchair. She layed her legs out over his lap and he pulled her in his lap, putting his arms over her naked legs.

Jade put the first movie in the DVD and the movie started a few minutes later.

We had to stop the movie several times because I had to pee, Katherine had to put some popcorn in the microwave, Sean was out of beer and Ricky had to fart.

I screamed a few times during the movie and at one point I had to cling into Sean's bicep because it was too fucking scary and why the hell did I agree to this.

I made eye contact with Niall a few times but I was always the first one to look elsewhere because he was making me uncomfortable.

"So is this like a romance movie?", Sean asked and Kaylee started explaining the whole concept of the movie to him.

"Just put the movie already.", Niall said and I looked at him. He made eye contact with me once again.

Ha, I knew he liked the movie.

Sean and Ricky started talking about an upcoming game with Manchester United which Ricky was apparently going to miss because he was leaving for New York in two days, and then they argued about who they were going to take because they had an extra ticket now.

"Shut up already, the movie's starting!", Hannah shushed them, hitting both of the in the knee, and Sean pulled her hood over her eyes in revenge.

I rolled my eyes at their childish behavior, but smiled.

I found myself whispering some lines under my breath as the movie continued.

At the rope and the lake part, I looked at Niall, who looked back and me and winked, smiling.

I felt butterflies in my stomach and bit my lip.

"Are you crying?", I asked Sean when the movie was about to end.

His eyes snapped to me and then back at the TV.

"What? No. I'm just...when is the pizza going to be here?"

The movie came to and end and I looked at the clock on the wall, to see that it was already 3pm.

Everyone ordered their preferences and the pizza place said that the pizzas would be there in less than 30 minutes.

Ricky and Sean eventually returned to playing Fifa, and the girls decided to look at old photos of Jade and Jake.

When Sean finished the game he let Jake take his place and scooted up on the couch next to me.

"Baaabeee.", he said into my shoulder, before he started tickling me.

Shit, I had always been ticklish around the stomach.

I squealed and tried to pull back but he ended up on top of me.

"Stop it!", I laughed gasping for air. "Seriously!"

"Hey mate I think she said to stop.", Niall said from his place on the armchair.

Sean froze and climbed off me, and I sat up straight.

Well this was awkward.

I felt Niall's stare on my back as I stood up and walked to the nearest bathroom to pee.

As I was washing my hands, the door opened and I saw Niall come in in the mirror reflection.

"Um, it's occupied.", I said looking at him. The bell suddenly rang through the house, meaning the pizza was here.

"So?", he asked and started playing with the hem of his shirt, leaning against the door.

"I need my privacy.", I said finally turning around to face him.

"Nothing I haven't seen before.", he spoke and pushed himself off the door, making me blush.

"You're an idiot."

"You're an idiot.", he replied. "Tell me, did Sean see you naked too?"

"What?", I blinked.

"You heard me."


"He was about to, wasn't he?", he continued coming closer.

"Well he would've done it because I gave him permission to-"

"Shut up.", he breathed and pushed me against the sink, pressing his body against mine.

"Why would you even kiss him?"

"Because I like him?", I lied.

His eyebrows rose and I stopped breathing.

"And for the hundreth, you don't own me.", I said.

"I want to."


"I want you to be mine."

"I'm not some-", I started but we were interrupted by the door swinging open and everyone came rushing in.

I pushed Niall away and Kaylee informed us that pizza was here, before Ricky invaded my personal bubble so he could wash his hands.


Three days later on August 1st, I was woken up at 2am by loud voices.

I rubbed my eyes and pulled myself out of bed, wrapping the blanket around myself. I haven't left the house since we got home from Jade's because the same day I had a cough and turns out, I got a cold.

I walked into the hallway to see my grandma and grandpa downstairs, talking to Katherine who was checking a long list.

Grandma was crying and grandpa was mumbling.

"I'm going to wake Delilah up and ask her if she wants to come."

"I'm already up.", I said and they all looked up at me. "And I'm not coming because my head feels like it's about to explode."

"Oh then come kiss your cousin goodbye! She's leaving for college oh!"

I walked down the stairs and Katherine hugged me.

"You should apply to Brooklyn too.", she said and I nodded.

"Well come on let's go before we miss the plane! We're supposed to meet up with the Cox family right now! Your plane leaves at seven! Oh my god! There's a long way to Dublin! Oh my god!", grandma started panicking.

"Shut the hell up woman and get in the damn car!", grandpa yelled and grabbed Katherine's suitcases, before he exited the house.

"Bye Rey!", Katherine waved and I followed them up until the doorstep to look outside.

Ricky and his family were in the car, waiting for Katherine.

I waved at them and grandma shouted to me that I had money on the counter and to make sure I locked my door.

I nodded and watched the car as it disappeared.

I saw Niall at his door, watching me. He was in his pajamas and he smirked when he saw me.

I turned around and closed the door before I walked in the kitchen to look at what they left me.

There was a fifty pound bill and a note.

"We'll be back tonight, make sure you lock the door and you can order pizza or something. Love, grandma"

I turned around and almost screamed when I saw Niall a few feet away from me.

"You know, your grandma said to lock to the door."


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Hope you liked the chapter :) I know it took a long time to write but my laptop broke so yeah.


1. Who do you ship?

2. Fav/least fav part?

3. What would you like to happen next?

If you want me to continue, leave a comment <3

I appreciate and read every single comment, and I can't believe how many people read it!

Love you guys!



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