"I am not jealous."

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Rey's POV

Niall left the next morning through the window because once again grandma knocked on the door to announce that she was home.

It was around eleven am when I got downstairs and made myself some cereal.

Grandpa was on the couch, drinking his coffee and reading the paper.

"I thought you were going to arrive later."

"We decided to leave early in the morning and avoid rush hour."

"Does rush hour exist in this neighborhood?", I mumbled and grandma shot me an annoyed look, before looking out the window.

"Grandma?", I asked sitting down at the table.


"What happened to Niall's dad?"

She turned her head to me and evilly smiled.

"Apparently his dad got a good job in New York and Maura didn't want to go, so he left without them. Then they filed the divorce papers."

"That's it?"

"This is the story I've heard going around, but I honestly think things are more complicated than they seem."

"And was Niall...bad? Like, before his dad left."

She shook her head. "If by bad you mean if he had his tattoos, then no."

"And when did this happen?"

"Around two years ago."


"Why do you want to know?"

I shrugged and got up.

"No reason. Just curious."

"Well if you want to know anything else, I'm glad to help."

I rolled my eyes and put the bowl in the sink, before turning around and running up the stairs to my room.

I really want to know what happened


July 14th came and I was actually a bit anxious about this party. Niall invited me and told me that everyone was going to be there, which meant Sean, Kaylee, Katherine, those two gay/not gay friends of Niall's...

I had no idea what to dress with. He said it was going to be warm, and I was really determined to go with a bra/semi crop top and shorts, because it was summer and after the whole handjob experience I felt really confident.

So, after an hour or so of trying to put together a decent outfit (I hated the fact that it took me more than an hour to decided what to wear because Niall was going to be there and I wanted to look good for him), I decided to do something I would never do.

"Yes?", Katherine asked opening the door to her room after countless knocks.

Her hair was up in a towel and she was wearing underwear and a green mask.

"Um-I was wondering if you have a snapback?"

"Ew, no, they mess up my hair. Wait. I think Niall left one of his snapbacks here when he came over yesterday."

She turned around and disappeared.

"Niall was here yesterday?", I asked, pushing the door open so I could see her clearly.

She was looking around the bed as she nodded.

"Yeah, we had a quick 69 sesh."

My cheeks were burning and that the hole in my stomach was not jealousy.

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