Chapter One- Happy

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Starts off a little slow, guys! But don't worry, it gets better throughout the story, I promise!

Just keep on reading! Thanks so much, & enjoy!


Chapter 1


                                I wasn't like anyone else. I was different; unique you could say. I spent my days just like any other 16-year-old guys would; sit, chill on the couch, and play my xBox, jamming out to any music that I had blaring from my iPod, except there's a catch. I have the most amazing girlfriend in the world; Paige. I love Paige. She's the only person in this world that makes me happier than anything else. New clothes? Not as good as Paige. New xBox? Not as good as Paige is.

                               I guess you would say that I'm a romantic or something. Well, I'm really not. No,

I'm not being modest, it's the truth. I treat her just as I do my little sister; like all girls should be treated on this Earth. My mother raised me right. My father did nothing but fuck up the whole family. Abusing my mother left and right, like she was his action figure that he got bored with over the years. I call him a dick. Others say he's an amazing role model.

                              Oh, he's a role model all right. He's the kind of guy you should look at and say,

"I don't want to be like him some day."

                               But that's not the point. Point is, I'm happy now. My father has no connection with our family, my mother is constantly smiling, even if she doesn't have anyone to smile to, and my sister is just one adorable kid.          

                               Suddenly, I hear a knocking at my door. I didn't think it was anyone else but Paige, of course. No one else would seem to come. I guessed right. Standing at the door stood my beautiful girlfriend. She had short brown hair; just slightly longer than the length of her mid-shoulders, with her hair pulled back using a light green headband; matching her amazingly colored bright green eyes. I couldn't help but smile when I see her. It was a reflex, like someone hitting on your knee, and your leg kicks up on its own. That's how my smile was. A reflex. I don't know if I'm in love, or just plain crazy, but either way, I wouldn't give this up for the world.

                               I let her into the house; Mom treats her like she's family. Like she's my wife or something. I like when Mom or my sister Kaylee joke about me marrying her someday. Out loud, I smile to myself and chuckle, like it's all a joke. No big deal. But to myself, I silently wish it'd be true. 

                               I take her hand and lead her into the living room like I always do. Her hand feels cold. I take my warm hands and press them against her cold ones once we get to the couch. She smiles, quietly thanking me. I blow warm air into our little hand-cave as I kiss her cheek. She kisses back.

                              "Babe, are you alright? I'm so sorry I didn't get the door sooner. Now all because of me you're gonna get sick, and it's gonna be awful, and it's going to be all my fault an-"

Paige laughs like I'm crazy. But it's a cute laugh. The kind that'll get your heart warm inside and goosebumps down your spine.

"Love, you're fine. You're perfect. I love you."

                             Those words. Those three words. Most people smile at them like they're nothing, like they're meant to be thrown away. I keep them in a special place in my heart, and save them in a miniature file cabinet in my brain. Those words are meant to be remembered forever. Especially by your first love. Can't ever forget those.

                            We sit and talk about our day. I have nothing to say. It's a Saturday. She knows my schedule for the weekends. xBox, friends, food, then Paige, and maybe then after Paige a lacrosse or football game that she'd go to just to cheer me on. I listen to her gossip that she's dying to get out. I pay attention to every word, as if I'm going to get quizzed on this later. I never do, but I always listen anyways, just in case. I listen to her talking about how Brittany likes John, or how Cameron sent a dirty picture to Tyler. Althought those things weren't important, in her life, those are all just secrets inside of her that she's just dying to get out. 

                          I feel special. As if I'm some sort of box of secrets. I believe I truely am, too. I wouldn't tell a soul about her secrets. Even if I were angry at her. Never. I pinky swore when we were tweleve, sitting by the school, on that wooden bench that's now destroyed because bullets went through it during a shooting. I still have a piece of that wooden bench. I still have that pinky swear in my head.

                           Hours pass as Paige and I continue talking. She then realizes it's late. She won't wake up for school. I ask her if she wants to spend the night at my house. She says no; she doesn't want to impose. I nod, saying that she's welcome to anytime she wants. She then walks out the door, thanking me for an amazing time as always. I pull her waist in for a kiss. She does it back. I then watch her get into her car, pull out of the driveway, &Then roll down the road.♥

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