Chapter Nine- All in Good Fun

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Chapter Nine

All in Good Fun

                                 I peered into what seemed like a normal home. My curiosity once again had gotten the best of me. I should have known though. On my way here, I thought I was just simply glance around the home, say my welcoming, and then walk away relieved, knowing that there wasn't anyone to be worried about in the neighborhood. A foot of mine wanted to step foot into the home. The other wanted to speed away before anyone had caught me. I knew I couldn't resist.

                              Having the new guy open the door for me, I followed my best foot forward. Glancing all around the rooms of the house on the first floor was amazing. It even looked somewhat better than ours, even with the few scattered boxes here and there marked with 'PLATES' or, 'MY TOYS'.

"Sorry about the mess," the guy told me, "It's neater in my room though. C'mon."

                              Creeping up the stairs into his bedroom, the first thing I noticed is that he wasn't a liar; his room was spotless. I had almost thought it was the work of a maid, until he saw a little puddle of shaving cream on his dresser, one that you could barely notice, and wiped it up quickly. At first, the sight of this spooked me out, thinking that a teenage guy's room looked like that. I thought that maybe he was just trying to put on a good impression, but I'm guessing I was wrong, since even when the flaps on his blankets were uneven, he had tried his hardest to make them even like they were. I didn't know what exactly I was dealing with, but I knew a small part. And on top of all that, I sadly didn't even catch his name yet.

 "So, you said that if I came in here, you'd tell me your name," I repeated his offer to me.

"Yes, I did," he simply replied.

                           The tone in his voice was mysterious. It kept leading me onto strange worlds, one that couldn't be realistically explored by the human mind. I sat onto his bed, being careful as to not wrinkle the sheets or anything important to him that I had a feeling would make him go mad after I had left.

"Are you keeping your promise?"


"What's your name?" I questioned again. 

The dude sighed, chuckling. "Ricky."

"Why was that a secret?" I asked him.

                  Ricky flipped his locks to get them to move away from his eyes. It didn't help. He did it once more, achieved his goal, and smiled.

"It wasn't one; I just love to mess with people." 

                              I felt instant anger towards him, yet my curiosity must have suddenly forgave him, because I had wanted to know more about Ricky. His name, his look; everything about his physical appearance made my brain twist and turn in questioning. He must have caught me staring, because he chuckled again,  quietly remarking on how great his looks were going for him.

"Sorry," I shamefully said, "Staring off into space. Gets to me sometimes, y'know?"

"Yeah, I getcha."

"So, why'd you move here?"

Ricky raised an eyebrow. "Got suspended at my old school."

"But it's only a suspension," I replied. "Why move over a suspension?"

"They claimed that cutting my wrists during class was bringing everyone down." He said this almost as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Y-you cut?"

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