Lady Mhysra Kilpapan was blessed from birth with a distinguished family, a glorious home and a giant eagle miryhl of her own. Fully aware of her luck, she wants for nothing in life - except a chance to become a Rift Rider. The elite force...
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AFTER CHOOSING MOUSE a placid male named Onyx, Mhysra turned her attention to Corin, finding her a female whose mottled feathers would make an ideal scout. Then others asked for help and the rest of the day vanished. Only Dhori had chosen by himself, and Mhysra had been impressed by the slender silvery Latinym.
It had been a good day, and she'd thoroughly enjoyed herself, but was relieved when she could finally leave. Not that she expected much rest, since her aunt and cousins were staying at Kilpapan House. After a short bath, Mhysra left her room to find things were even worse: her parents were entertaining. Lady Kilpapan had arrived from Wrentheria with the rest of the family and their eagles that morning, and since so many members of the miryhl-breeding community were in the city, she couldn't resist bringing them all together. Life was business, as she frequently reminded her children.
Milluqua greeted Mhysra at the bottom of the stairs and they shared a grimace. "I'm sorry. I wanted to warn you, but mother roped me into organising."
"Wonderful," Mhysra sighed, clicking her fingers to call Bumble down from where she was tugging on the ribbons strewn across the chandelier. The still-growing pup huffed and fluttered down from the ceiling, wings drooping.
"Poor girl," Milluqua chuckled, scratching the nakhound behind the ears. "We've had to shut her in your room most of the day."
"I thought things in there were a little more haphazard than usual," Mhysra said, smiling at her sister and the puppy. She'd half-hoped that the dog would transfer her affections to Milluqua, since they spent so much time together. Unfortunately, even though Bumble liked Milluqua, she still preferred Mhysra. Gods alone knew why, since she didn't even feed the creature. "There's no accounting for taste." She patted Bumble and ruffled her wings, avoiding an enthusiastic lick.
"Aunt Mhylla will want to see her," Milluqua said, entering the ballroom, where a buffet had been laid out to tide people over until supper. "At least you'll have people to talk to tonight."
Mhysra hummed in agreement, filling a plate with delicacies and slipping a slice of chicken to Bumble. It would be nice to enjoy one of her parents' parties for once. Usually they were full of nobles and merchants who thought too highly of themselves to waste time on the hoyden daughter. Unless they were younger sons ordered to court the wild Kilpapan chit, for her connections and impressive dowry. Mhysra hated the false smiles, feigned interest and lack of conversation. She had nothing in common with those people. Thankfully, tonight would be different, and she planned to make the most of it.
"Oh, there's Derry. I told mother to invite him. Can I leave you with him? There were supposed to be three plates of berry tarts, but I can only see two." Still muttering, Milluqua smiled at Derrain and hurried off in a swirl of silk.
"You're a fool," Mhysra said, handing him a plate. "Brave, but ultimately foolish."
He chuckled and picked up a chicken leg. "I thought you could use the company, and it would have been rude to refuse. Your mother's never invited me inside before."