Chapter 14: Test Flight, Part 1

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31st Fledgling

Drifting above the mountainside, Lyrai revelled in the freedom of flying at sunrise. The city below still lay in shadow, but the sky was warming quickly. Hurricane glided upwards in lazy circles, tilting his wings in tiny ways to alter their direction and height. After only two days together, Lyrai felt as though he had never been without him. Hurricane was perfect.

"What happens now?" the miryhl asked, passing into the shadow of the mountain.

"Test flights," Lyrai replied. "And those who haven't chosen will take another look."

"Why? What will they see now that they missed yesterday?"

"Nothing," Lyrai admitted, as they drifted back into the light. "Except they'll have more room to move today and more experts on hand to help."

"Such fuss," Hurricane chuckled. "You humans like making things complicated."

Resting against the miryhl's back, Lyrai smiled. "We feel more important that way."

As the sun climbed over the Cloud Sea, the roofs of Nimbys glinted and Hurricane swooped over the stirring city. It was such a joy to fly again, Lyrai could patrol the same routes every day for a month and not grow bored.

"Company," Hurricane called, drifting back towards the flying field, where nervous students waited with their families.

One miryhl was already out, swirling upwards and drawing envious stares. Lyrai smiled as Hurricane glided closer, attracting attention of his own. The two miryhls were close in size, but where Hurricane was all marbled shades, the other was brown with a golden sheen.

"Good morning," Lyrai called as Hurricane began a counter spiral.

"Morning, sir," Mhysra replied, lying against Cumulo's back.

Studying the Wingborn pair, Lyrai practised the role he would soon take up at Aquila. He'd never seen such a powerful bond between a Rider and miryhl. No matter what Cumulo did – flap, glide, swoop – she was ready. Lyrai felt a twinge of envy as they wheeled off over the ridge, diving into the shadow. He'd never flown so well.

"Young and foolish, but impressive," Hurricane murmured. "Wingborn usually are. He needs a strong Rider to keep him sensible. It's a good match."

"It ought to be after fifteen years," Lyrai remarked dryly, watching the pair reappear.

Hurricane chuckled. "In fifteen more years, it will be perfect. As will ours."

Unable to think that far ahead, Lyrai looked at the busy field below. "We should go back. It isn't fair to keep all the fun for ourselves."

Hurricane swooped around in a wide arc without argument. "I am eager to learn what a lieutenant does." Then he tipped into a sharp dive that left no one in any doubt that they were watching an experienced Rider and miryhl in action.

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