Lady Mhysra Kilpapan was blessed from birth with a distinguished family, a glorious home and a giant eagle miryhl of her own. Fully aware of her luck, she wants for nothing in life - except a chance to become a Rift Rider. The elite force...
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THINGS IN THE eyries had been hectic all morning, the Riders still having to patrol while also preparing stock, supplies, miryhls and gear for the move to Aquila in two more days. Many of the miryhls were fretting with excitement. Though most abhorred the long ship flight to Aquila, they were looking forward to the change of scenery.
Of them all, however, Cumulo seemed the most agitated. In fact, if Lyrai hadn't known better, he would have thought there was something wrong with the Wingborn. The way he baited from foot to foot on his perch and paced the walkway when it was clear, spoke of something more than excitement and nerves over the upcoming move.
He'd asked Hurricane if there was something wrong – being unable to ask the Wingborn himself – but his miryhl had shaken his head and flicked his wings.
"If there is he won't say."
Hoping that it was nothing more than pre-Aquila nerves, Lyrai shrugged and readied Hurricane for their upcoming patrol.
Then Milluqua arrived, an uproar exploded and Cumulo started screaming for Mhysra.
"Cane, stop him!" Lyrai ordered, worried the young miryhl would try to track down his missing Wingborn alone.
Hurricane didn't argue and, with the help of several other big miryhls, managed to corral Cumulo long enough to calm him. He stopped screaming but continued to bait, chest heaving with emotion.
"Tack me up," he muttered to no one in particular. "You must tack me up. I can fetch her. I can bring her back. Make me ready. There won't be time. We have to hurry."
When no one moved, most too stunned at hearing a miryhl talking so freely without his Rider present, Cumulo cast a golden-eyed glare at the watchers and shouted, "Do it!"
Hurricane caught Lyrai's eye and nodded, sending him darting for the tackroom. Corin was already there, searching the pegs for Cumulo's bridle, his saddle already slung over her arm.
"Good girl," Lyrai praised, reaching past her for the bridle beside Hurricane's. "Let's go."
Seeing them approach with his things, Cumulo held still, but he was trembling, feathers puffed up, shaking with restraint. Lyrai knew the moment he finished with the bridle Cumulo would go, so he ordered Honra to have his flurry mount up and prepared a message for Stirla as soon as he returned from his patrol.
"Derrain's gone to find where the Illuminai went," Corin murmured to Lyrai as she fumbled with the straps of Cumulo's breastplate.
Taking over, Lyrai sent her a grateful smile, reaching down to check the breastplate was threaded through the girth before he checked and tightened those straps.
"They'll be headed for Wrentheria," Cumulo muttered, flexing his wings. "Mhylla and the cousins are going home. That's where she'll have her. That's where they'll be going. Buckle me tight, I can take it."