Chapter 6: Flight, Part 1

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10th Blizzard

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10th Blizzard

"It's pure spite." As Mhysra vigorously combed tangles out of the horsat's mane, her puppy growled from the doorway. "See, Bumble agrees. She's heard them too."

Mherrin snorted and pushed Ripple's wing out of the way so he could brush her side. The horsat stood patiently, tracking both humans' movements with her swivelling ears.

"Didn't it take Kilai years to get permission?" Derrain asked, lounging in the doorway.

"Two very long years," Milluqua agreed from her seat on an upturned bucket, where she was checking the braiding on Ripple's reins. A lady she might be, but she'd also been raised in Wrentheria.

"You didn't have to live with his sulking," Mherrin groaned. "How we suffered!"

Milluqua sniffed. "You didn't have to put up with the earl's disapproval."

"At least it isn't aimed at you," Mhysra grumbled, attacking Ripple's tail. "And it never will be."

"Bitterness does not become you, dearest," Derrain cooed, ducking the brush she threw at his head. The puppy barked and strained her lead to reach it. "Here you go, bumbling pup." Derrain gave her the brush and she settled down with it between her paws, tail wagging, teeth chomping.

"You can't give her that!" Mhysra snatched it away. "She'll break it."

"You shouldn't have throw it then. Bumble might get hurt."

While they bickered, Milluqua handed the bridle to her cousin. "Tell Mhylo to take better care of his tack – the braiding is badly frayed. Ripple's a good mare, but it's not something you want unravelling mid-flight."

"Thanks, Milli. I'll let him know, not that he'll be grateful. Lazy git." Kissing her cheek, Mherrin began tacking up. When Mhysra put Ripple's saddle on, he caught her eye. "You are going to hand that letter in, aren't you?"

"Depends," she mumbled. Her cousin raised his eyebrows and she focused on the buckles. Since he was the one who'd forged her father's signature, he should have been the one advising caution as the one who would have the most to lose if they were caught. Then again Mherrin never did have much sense. Whereas she probably had too much misdirected honour. "I just wish they'd say yes. It doesn't feel right starting out this way."

Her cousin gave a cheerful shrug. "More fool them. And more fool you." He tweaked her nose. "I can't see why you'd want to work with those toffs, but since you do and it's what Cumulo needs, good luck to you, cuz."

"And you." Ducking under Ripple's neck, she threw her arms about Mherrin. He was her favourite cousin and she'd miss him. The past four days had been horrible and full of arguments, but Mherrin had made it bearable. He could always cheer her up.

"Don't get dismal now," he murmured, and she smiled.

"Watch your back." She patted him between his shoulder blades. "A lone flyer is always vulnerable, especially on a horsat."

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