Wingborn Series: Author's Note

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Thank you so much for reading Wingborn! I really hope you enjoyed it.

If you wish you can leave everything here as it works okay-ish as a standalone. Feel free to believe Mhysra, Cumulo and co continue on at Aquila, qualify as Rift Riders and live happily ever after.

If, however, this isn't enough for you, then Books 2-6 (Rift Riders, Dragongift, Storm Wings, Aquila's War, World's End and the extended epilogue, Aftermath) are available to buy now from most online e-tailers. The series is also being released in paperback, but only from Amazon at present.

I know not everyone can buy books, for one reason or another, but if you have access to a library, you can always ask if they'll get the ebooks for you. Libraries are awesome that way. 

If you are a reviewer, send me a message -- review copies are always available.

If you still can't read them, I'm sorry :( (Consider becoming a reviewer, it's an excellent way to get free books and really helps authors out. Reviews are incredibly important, so if you have time, please do it.)

Thank you for reading all the way to the end, I appreciate each and every one of you who reads and likes my books. If you left me comments, then you get extra squishy hugs.

Cheers, everyone! 

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