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"I can't go through this anymore kendall" you sobbed

"we are just two people in different places" you continued

"I have no idea how I'm gonna get over you" she put her hands over her head squeezing her eyes crying

"maybe we'll see each other again one day the time is right" you said

you both cried hard
"can I have one last kiss?" she asked
you looked at her with sad eyes and nod. you both kissed as that was the last time you're going to see her

you let go of her and started to walk away. you and your ex girlfriend broke up because you felt wrong. you're still 17 and she's 20. you're still on highschool and she's already modelling and travelling all over the world. you love her but you don't want to hold her back. and she understand what you said to her. you know that she wanted to focus on her career and you also wanted to focus on your study although you almost graduated

It has been four months since you broke up with her now. you missed her. you see her everyday on the media, how can you not right? she is The Kendall Jenner. one werk after that day you broke up with her, you saw a text message from her
"I miss you y/n"

one month after you broke up with her, she texted you again "I can't handle this. pls I need to talk to you, at least I can hear your voice."

but you didn't reply obviously, you're too scared to do that. you tried so hard to forget about her. you were scared if you text her back or even call her, the old feelings started to come back. you didn't want that to happen. you wanted to text her and call her and just tell her how much you miss her but you can't. you just can't

Currently, you were out with your friend Josephine. you both were walking down the road when you bump into someone

"oh gosh I'm so sorry it's my f-" you heard a voice said until you saw it was your ex girlfriend, Kendall

"oh no" you muttered under breath, thank god no one heard

"y/n! hi" she greeted you while looking at you deeply.

"kendall" you said expressionless

"oh who is this?" kendall asked

"uhh, Kendall meet Josephine, and Jo meet Kendall" you introduced the both of them, they both greeted each other

"so you're really tall in person. I heard a lot about you from y/n" Jo said to Kendall smiling

you glared at your friend

"oh she did?" kendall grinned

"uhh we have to go so, goodbye kend-" you started to drag Jo but Kendall stopped you

"no stop wait, do you guys wanna come hang at my place for a while?" she offered

you knew something like this would happen if you're not fast enough to runaway from Kendall. you knew she only invited you and Josephine because she wants to talk and bond with you again. you can't let your feelings for her get back again

"no thank you, we're already had pl-" you said but Jo cut you off

"yes! we would love to!" Jo exclaimed

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