CLOSE pt.1

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A/N: look at her, she's so beautiful wtf I'm dead

You were currently on your bed with your girlfriend.

"I don't know, I just feel left out by my dad you know" she sighed

you just caressing her arm up and down listening to her

"I'm happy that she's in a good place now, but I miss the little things like when we used to do boyish stuff, like dirt biking, snow boarding, etc" she snuggled closer to you

"well have you talk to her yet?" you asked her

"I have, but she's not really into that stuffs anymore. she bonded with Kylie more because they both are like really into make up and i'm not" she groaned in frustration

"I mean look at me, I don't even do my nails"
she said as she showed you her fingers, not even a nail polish

you just chuckled
"your fingers still looks cute though"

"babee I'm seriousss" she turned her head to you

"who says I'm joking? I'm serious too Ken you look cute" you giggled kissing her face

she started laughing with you but then she let out a huge sigh
"but seriously though, I really feel left out and I miss doing stuff like that"

"well why don't you talk to her about it and ask her if she want to do fun stuff with you now?" you suggested

"Well that is actually a great idea baby but, my dad is out of town for a week so obviously I can't do that" she said closing her eyes

she looked so desperate. like really.

you get on top of her and you smiled. she looked at you weirdly

"what?" she asked
"well... who says you can't do sport stuff now?" you smirked
"wait, with you? are you serious?!!" she exclaimed

you just nodded smiling.

"yess I would love to!" she grinned as she pulled you into a kiss

you just chuckled. you were happy because at least you can make your girlfriend smiled


you went to a track with your girlfriend. first, you and Kendall went rally racing. you were really having fun with her. For a girl, you were actually really good at racing. But Kendall, she was great.

the truth was that you weren't a tomboy anymore like Kendall who really love sports, you enjoyed sports but not really into it anymore, but for her you'd do anything to make her happy.

"I'm suck at racing" you laughed getting out from the car
"oh cmon, you were good babe" she giggled
"yeah but you were great" you said to her

you were now on your way to one of the biggest horse stable in Malibu for training

you actually trained there ever since you were 13 years old. You had friends there. You used to be the best horse back rider in Malibu back then but one day, accident happened. you stopped riding at the age of 19 because you broke both of your left leg and arm and it was some serious damaged. The doctor told you to stop riding for the whole year.

your future for being a professional horseback rider was broken. it was suddenly vanished, like completely.

For a total year you were frustrated and sad because your dream for being a pro rider was totally ruined.

Maybe that was the reason why you started disliking sports because you envied everybody who can still do sports.

But then, over the year without riding, your interest started changing and you were interested more in the fashion world

But you didn't regret anything about horse back riding, you know why?

because horse riding was the reason you met Kendall. And she used to take horse classes back there with you.

Note. sorry for the short chapter. xx

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