IN LOVE pt.2

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"I like you y/n. I can't hide my feelings from you any longer"

her words made my whole world stopped. she likes me. more than a friend.

"I have loved you since a long time ago y/n. I was just too scared to admit it. I don't know how this happened but I want you" she continued

I kept silent.

"please y/n say something" she pleaded

I looked deeply into her eyes and tears were threatening to leave her eyes

"I want you too. but we should go to sleep right now, lets talk about this in the morning okay?" I said to her

We both drifted off to sleep


In the morning

I woke up to see the bed empty. I checked the time, it was still early.

I remember what happened last night. Kendall just confessed her love. Maybe it was the time for me to say something to her. I jumped out from the bed looking for Kendall.

I went outside the room and saw her making pancakes

"heyy y/n" Kendall greeted
"morning kennyy"
"I made you breakfast" she said

I sat on one of the kitchen stool and saw a pancake and an orange juice.

Few minutes later, she joined me and we started eating. we both kept quiet and we acted like nothing happened last night

"we should talk about last night"
"I know"

I grabbed her hand
"what if your parents find out? what will you do with the media?"

"my parents already knew that I like you, even my whole family. and I was thinking to come out to the media but only if you want to be with me, do you want to be with me?" she said

"yes of course I do, but we should give it a try first Kenny, and if you are 100% ready then you should come out" I said to her

"then can I take you out on a date? I don't wanna things get awkward between us just because we just learnt about something new here" she asked

I just nodded

"good, I'm picking you up at 6" she said


Kendall's POV

y/n went back to her house. I prepared myself for our date. I really wanted to be with her. She's the only thing that keeps me sane from the craziness of life.

I wore my black jeans and my grey t-shirt. I did my hair and makeup naturally. I took my hermes clutch and went inside the car and drove to y/n's house.

I went outside my car and rang the door bell. The door flew open revealing the beautiful girl. The girl I had loved since we were teenagers. She looked so effortlessly beautiful. She is my whole life.

"wow.. you look beautiful as always" I said to her

she blushed at my words. aww

"you do too Ken" she said smiling

"cmon lets go" I took her hand and we went inside the car

we drove outside the city

"where are you taking me?" she asked

"outside the town, no one would have to know. even paparazzi"

she just smiled

we finally arrived at the place. I took my stuff and we started walking.

"seriously though where are we?" she said
"you'll see"

we kept walking and walking


we stopped and we were on the hill. we were mesmerized by the view. it was already night. we could see the city lights and the sky was full filled with starts. it was beautiful just like her.

"cmon sit here" I said

I put a blanket all over the grass under the tree. I brought snacks, wine, and stuff. I just lean on the tree and stared at the city. Y/N's back just leaning on my body

"this place is so beautiful" she said

"yeahh, this place is special, no one knows about this. I used to go here everytime I had the chance. Until I finally realized that I really love the place and I bought this place. I always thought to myself 'someday I will bring the person I love here', and I finally did. that's why I brought you here Y/N, because you are special" I said to her

she turned her body and now she looked at me

"am I really that special?" she asked slowly

"yes, you are beyond special y/n. you are just not my best friend, but the love of my life. I was so scared if I tell you that I have these feelings for you, you might ran away, but then you're still here with me, I'm in love with you y/n, you're the only person I want to be with" I said to her teared up

"I love you too Kenny, and I want this to work" she said

I pulled her closer as I pressed my lips on to hers.

"I love you KJ"
"I love you more Y/N"


Note. so sorry I just updated. I'm gonna make another one. xx

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