The Contract | part 1

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"I don't want it to be her!" you groaned as you got up from your seat and stared out to the city from your big glass window

"but it'll be good for our company, Y/N" your right hand told you

"it could increase our statistics and we could join forces with the Jenner company" Samantha said again

you just rolled your eyes
"they have been our nemesis for over ten years, what's their profit?"

"same as ours of course" she said

your father cleared your throat
"Samantha's right Y/N, we have to do this so our company will be unstopabble"

"but I don't want to have anything to do with the Jenners! why now?" you fought back but your father cut you off

"-because you both are mature enough to do this" he said

"but dad-"

"enough! you are going to have to deal with the contract- at least just for 30 days, and then you can do whatever you want, end of discussion" your father said with his harsh tone and left you and Samantha inside your office

You groaned out loud
"can't you just tell him that The Jenners are a pain in the ass?"

Samantha, your assistent who is also thankfully your best friend since high school, just casually rolled her eyes

"just do it Y/N, I mean, it's just Kendall we are talking about, I'm sure she's not that bad" she said

you let out a sarcastic laugh
"excuse me, but do you remember what she did to me on Junior High School?"

she just sighed
"right, of course I remember"

oh yeah, you remember it all too well. The old memory still makes your heart ached

"I don't need you and I don't want you. so go find someone else"

Yeah she said that when we were around 13-14

"come on Y/N, just sign the damn contract, it's just for one month" Sam said getting impatient

You snapped out of trance as you finally sat next to Samantha to get the papers

"you know- I haven't seen her since ten years ago" you sighed

"maybe she's a lot more nicer now than she was before" Sam encouraged

"I almost forgot what does she look like" you said

"I'm telling you- she is drop dead gorgeous Y/N, you'll be surprised" she said

you raised your eyebrows but Sam just rolled her eyes

"what? even I could turn a little gay for her- but lucky you I'm straight so" she chuckled

"meh- whatever Sam"

But you believed Samantha, she must have grown into a beautiful young woman. even when she was little, she was already really pretty

You opened the papers as you saw the deal

Y/L/N Enterprise & The Jenner Enterprise

Y/N Y/L/N and Kendall Jenner will perform this contract for 30 days. With the aim to improve the statistical value of the company, then both parties will conduct a public relationship stunt.

Few rules of the deal:

1. No touching and kissing behind closed doors
2. No sex
3. No cheating
4. Both girls must live together under one roof
5. No one breaks the deal until the specified time will be over, or else must live with the consequenses

You rolled your eyes at these rules.

"just for 30 days right?" you asked Samantha

she nodded eagerly
"yes, it is just for the media. and in 30 days, it'll all be over"

you nodded
"I think I can live with that"


The next day, you woke up remembering that today is the day. The first day of total misery.

You were still exhausted from all the packings last night. Yep, you did your own packing because you'll be living under one roof with her for a month.

Kendall Jenner. The girl you once fell in love with, who happened to be frenemies with you when you were in JHS, now is going to be living with you in 30 days from now

You got up and took a long cold shower and did your routine to start the day. After that, you did your hair and put on a light make up as you took your travel bags and got inside your very own, jet black Bentley Continental GT3-R

beep beep beep

"yes Sam, I'm on my way" you said over the phone

"I already sent you the details right?" she asked

"yes, I already put it on the GPS" you said

"do you need me there?" she asked

"no thank you, let me take care of it" you nodded although she couldn't see you

"alright, just call me when you need anything"


Here we are, in front of a glass penthouse. The facilities that has already provided by both parties.

"nice one dad" you thought

You parked your car as you saw a red ferrari already there

you went inside and put down your travel bags. You tried to find the Jenner girl but you haven't found her. So, you just went to the balcony and enjoyed the beautiful morning as you saw the beach view

"it's beautiful isn't it?"

an angelic voice came out of nowhere made your head turned around

and there she was.

Samantha was right. Kendall Nicole Jenner, really did grown into a mature beautiful girl. she took your breath away just in one glance

But suddenly you remembered her words

"I don't need you and I don't want you. so go find someone else"

oh fuck

Your expression remained the same and she seemed to have the same expression. you were both speechless

"are you gonna keep staring or what?" she smirked

you shook your head and smirked back to her
"still cocky as ever"

she just laughed
"entertain yourself Y/L/N"

she stood beside you admiring the view
"so I see you've grown... you are very...mature now"

you smirked
"well you know what they say- puberty hits like a truck"

you looked over at her and you can't seem to take your eyes off of her
"just remember, its only 30 days Y/L/N, so bare with me"

"yes" you just slightly nodded
"-oh just do me one favor"

"what?" she asked
"don't fall for me" you said
"I definitely won't" she laughed sarcastically


"bring it on, Jenner"

Just remember, it's only 30 days xx


A/N: lol okay I'm excited for this imagine. what do you think should happen next? let me know on the comments! xx

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