Chapter 5: Silly Comebacks

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"The best things in life are silly."

-Scott Adams


"Oh my, I'm sorry," Beth quickly apologized. "I didn't see you... I..."

The mysterious boy remained on the ground, elbows supporting his weight against the grass. A small smirk tugging on his lips. 

"Could you just help me up? He said, his hands in front of him. 


Beth took his hands and help him up. His soft hands made its way to hers and she knew she had felt something ticklish on her stomach.

He let go of her hand and brushed the non-existent dirt on his pants. Beth decided to continue on her way but stopped when he spoke. 

"I'm Seth," he began. 

She rapidly turned to face him. His hand was in front of her, suggesting her to shake it. Thousands of things submerged on that little mind of hers. Her thoughts was interrupted by a cough. 

"Beth," she took his hand and shook it several times. "I'm new here."

The boy named Seth smirked again. She frowned.

She really want to wipe the smirk off his face.

"I can tell. Looks like you're new in seeing a much better view too."

Is he talking about himself? She thought. What a jerk.

"Please excuse me, I didn't mean to bump into you," she scowled, "and trust me, your a person. Not a landscape." 

She turned to leave without glancing behind her. She found the ice cream machine and asked the vendor to give her one vanilla for herself and a chocolate one for James.

After paying for her ice cream, she went back and observed the area. 

At least the coast is clear.

"I can see you're looking for me," a familiar voice chortled. Of course it's him.


Can't he just give the poor girl a break?!

"Listen, Seth," she said in a calm way. "I think my ice cream is dripping. I need to go. I have no time for your silly comebacks."

She left him, quickly taking her steps to avoid him. She heard him shout, a few meters behind her.

"I'll see you soon, Beth."


"What took you so long?" James whined while taking his own ice cream cone from her hand. "I bet you lost your way," he chuckled.

He is always making fun of her but Beth didn't mind. Even though he's to childish to deal with, he will always be that one person who could understand her no matter what her situation is. 

"Some random boy came up and won't leave me alone," she sighed, licking on her ice cream. "I don't understand boys at all."

He smiled, "You're so innocent."

"Of course, I am," she pouted. "Do you expect me to flirt all day?"

He lost it. "What... the... heck?" he said in between a fit of laughter.

"What's so funny?" she scowled but her lips are twitching.

After James contained himself, he spoke, " Sis, you're now a teen," he started.

"Do you think I don't know that?" she kidded.

"Just zip it and listen to me."

Beth made a zipping gesture on her lips and listened. 

"You're getting older and someday, boys will be attracted to you," he seemed uncomfortable with the topic. "I know this is an awkward topic but you need to know this."

"You're not that bad looking," she punched his shoulder and he laughed, "but need to know how that you look like a cow to me." 

Beth groaned and slapped his arm. All brothers are like that. 

 He stopped laughing and straightened up. "But seriously, you need to prevent yourself from getting hurt. I didn't mean cutting yourself or anything. I mean those matters with your heart," he looked into her to see if she's still listening. "Do you understand?"

"Yes, I do," she replied, shyly.

"And as your big brother, I'll make sure that you're happy."


Sitting under the protective, cool shade of her tree made Beth realize the importance of little things around her. The elements that made her secure. Her brother, her dad, Sally, Phillip... the family she have. Her mom.

She leaned her back and rested her head on the trunk. She closed her eyes and reminisced the times when she was still with her mom. Blurred memories but enough to make her world bright.

"Mommy! Look! Chocolate syrup!" A little squeaky voice emerged into her thoughts. "Yummy."

After a short while, a tall woman, still wearing a white apron wiped off the little girl's face. She untied the knot behind her back and sat next to her.

"Liza wants chocolate syrup?" she asked gleefully.

"Yes!" the little girl answered.

"What about mommy?" the woman pouted. 

"Mommy, I want chocolate syrup. I want to eat it. You're not food, mommy."

The woman laughed heartily. Then, she began stroking the little girl's braided hair.

"You know mommy loves you, right?" 

The little girl nod several times. "Yes, I know!"

"I'll love you no matter what, baby girl," she took a cloth from her pocket and wiped her cheeks. The little girl must have noticed her mommy crying and placed little hand on top of hers.

"Mommy, why are you crying? Do you know something Santa and Tooth Fairy didn't? I love you, too."

Beth opened her eyes and a single tear escaped her eye. She sighed heavily and wiped it with the back of her hand. She must stay strong. She wished she could turned back the time but it seemed impossible. 

She went back to the house and helped Sally prepare the food for dinner. Her dad hasn't come back from work yet and James is in his room. 


That night, she welcomed her dad from the door and gave him a tight hug. Her dad asked her if there's something wrong and she shrugged. Then, they ate dinner together. Steak, Mac n' Cheese, salad, and French roll for dessert filled their table. 

After dinner, James went to the living room to watch some shows on tv. She declined his offer and went straight into her room. 

She lied on her bed and closed her eyes. She never knew how tired she was and drifted into dreamland.

Author's Note------

So Liza and Seth met. Poor Liza, that boy won't let her go, lol. But they'll meet again, soon. What do you think about James? Isn't he the sweetest big brother? 

Stay tune for more Levi Miller and Greyson Chance. Greybear will be introduced in the next chapters, Enchancers. Keep Calm. 😆🍭

#SOMH now available! 

If you love them, please vote, read, comment, and share it to your friends. I'll update next time. :)

See yaa xoxo


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