Chapter One ✔️

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Draco's P.O.V

           My Return to Hogwarts wasn't... normal. It was anything but normal. Surprising. World changing. Everything but normal.

           My parents had left me at the loading station like every other year, saying their parting words before I left, along with the werewolf stuff that I had to know and remember. That wasn't the 'life changing part.' In fact, it almost seemed expected.

            The loading on the train to Hogwarts was eventful enough on its own, but not as much as when I was on the train. Definitely not.

      It was the moment I was walking past the Golden Trio's compartment. I got a whiff of the most wonderful,delectable scent, so I took a step back. I was at the door and the scent completely flooded my senses. Mate. As soon as that registered in my mind I peered in through the door and looked at each member of the trio. Hermione? Nope. Weasel? Praise Merlin no. Harry. Harry was my mate. At that moment it felt as if my brain had just shut off and I was overwhelmed with the urge to enter. But I couldn't. They were already looking at me, so I decided to take the safe route and continued my confident stride.

       How could Harry be my mate? Was that what all the feelings were all these years? I have heard people say that there was a minuscule line between love and hate. How would my parents feel about this? Harry James Potter, mate to Draco Lucius Malfoy.

        I would deal with that later. I had more worrying things to panic about. I couldn't face them, how could I?! I had been so cruel to him and his friends for the past three years all because of a stupid crush. What a stupid crush that turned out to be. Fate must be laughing at me now. Harry would just reject me on the spot! This would be the the death of me. literally! But strangely I didn't feel as awful about that as I did hurting my mate all these years. I'm not surprised if he rejects me. My inner wolf whimpered at the thought. I'm sure the whole school could feel my cries of anguish.

         I found Crabbe, Goyle, Pansy, and Blaise and sat down with them. Luckily they didn't know I was a werewolf, so I was golden. "Hey Draco!" Pansy immediately said 'flirtatiously' and latched onto my arm.

       I growled and pushed her away, disgusted that someone that was not my mate touched me like that. "Don't ever touch me like that again." I said and her poise and 'alluring' aura just diminished.

    "Dude what's your problem?" Blaise questioned, looking at me with surprise and skepticism on his face.

I felt hesitant. These people have been my friends for years now; but I didn't know if they will stay loyal when worse becomes worse. "I will tell you, but only if you swear that you won't tell anyone. Anyone. If you even think about telling someone I will kill you." My eyes were threatening and stone cold as I hissed after examining their faces.

I could tell that at that very moment is when our trust on each other increased drastically. Blaise straightened up and Crabbe and Goyle leaned in while Pansy's eyes widened, shocked. In unison they swore, their eyes on me and not a single one wavering even for a second. I breathed in heavily.

  "Good. So this summer I was cursed and it caused permanent damage from what I'm knowledgeable about. Now I'm a werewolf. Anyways, because I am a werewolf, I get a mate, and no, Pansy you're not my mate." I stated my eyes trailing towards Pansy at the end.

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