Chapter Forty Three

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Draco p.o.v
In the morning when I woke up, I checked the potion and gave it to Harry. He took it and smiled.
He then went to the bathroom and I got dressed as I waited.
When we are both ready to go, we went to the great hall.
He bounced a little in his step and smiled.
I took him by the hand and had him be right next to me.
We got to the great hall and our friends came over.
For some reason though, I have the feeling  that Harry is faking his happiness. But I just ignored it thinking that I'm over reacting.
After breakfast Harry went to the bathroom, telling us to go ahead and that he will catch up. So we went, me having a bad feeling about it. But I still ignored it.
Our first class is defense and we sat down. Harry came in a few minutes later and I smiled.
"You okay harry?" I asked, pulling him closer.
"Yes Draco. Why would I not?" He said.
"Just making sure." I replied.
He smiled and leaned his head on my shoulder.
When that class was over; we went to our next one which is potions.
Snape came over. "So how was your potion making with Draco?" He asked.
"It was good sir." Harry replied, smiling.
He nodded and walked away.

After lessons Harry, me, and our friends went to our common room.
I went up to our room for a bit and smelled something strange from Harry's trunk.
I opened it and saw viles of the potion we made yesterday.
I picked one up and went back to the common room. I thought about the day and remeber that after every meal Harry went to the bathroom.
I grabbed Harry's arm and dragged him up stairs.
"What is this?" I asked, showing him the vile.
He seemed shocked. "A potion?" He said.
"Why do you have this? I though you threw it all away!" I said.
His eyes started to water. "I- I wanted to use it." He said.
"So you tricked me into letting you hurt yourself!?" I said.
"I-I'm sorry." He sobbed.
"Take off your shirt and let me check you." I said, but he refused to.
So I took it off for him and his arms and chest are littered with cuts. "Did you keep what you ate?" I asked and he shook his head.
"Alright. Put back on your shirt. Its time to go to your occlumency lesson." I said.
I took Harry to his lesson then went back to my room and threw all of the potions away.
I can not believe that Harry tricked me into helping him make the potion.

The next day I had Harry take his potion and he knows I threw away the other one.
We then went to the great hall and none of our friends asked what happened.
But luckily today is Saturday, so we have no lessons and Harry does not have his Occlumency. Plus we can go to hogsmeade

Harry p.o.v
I was doing so good yesterday then Draco ruined it. I mean I figured out that if I take off the ring Draco will not know I'm cutting and I figured out a spell to make Draco not feel the feeling of me throwing up or cutting.
But all those feelings went away when I took the other potion.
So now here I am feeling as happy as ever. Though I could fell the dark thoughts lingering in the back of my mind.
The strange thing is though that this was not happening before.
Of course I will not tell Draco.
When we all finished breakfast we went to hogsmeade.
Me and Draco walked around as Hermione went with Pansy, Ron, and Blaise.
"So Harry what would you like to do?" Draco asked.
Die. I thought. "We can go get some candy." I said.
"Sounds good." He replied.
Draco led the way and when we got there he bought me almost anything I looked at for longer than a minute. And a few things for himself.
When we walked out we met up with the others.
Me and Draco decided to leav early so we can spend time alone together. Our other friends decided to stay.
We went to the room of requirement and I got a TV. We sat down and began waching some shows as we ate candy.
"Really Harry? Why did you not introduce this to me sooner? It's amazing!" Draco said.
I smiled. "Did not really think of it." I said.
Once all the candy was gone, Draco had us lay down and cuddle.
He then kissed my neck and all the way up to my jawline. I made him kiss my lips and he gotten completely on top of me.
He took off my shirt and began biting at my chest and neck. He began kissing my lips again when our friends decided to show up.
"Really Harry? This is not the time. I have bad news!" Hermione said.
"Well this is not the time for bad news!" Draco said.
"Well I was going to say that Umbridge is back. But on a Slightly stranger note Cedric is to." Hermione said.
I put my shirt back. "Are they here?" I asked.
"Cedric is, but Umbridge is not yet." Blaise said.
We walked out to meet Cedric reincarnated.

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