Chapter Sixty Five

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Harry p.o.v
McGonagall and I went back in and Draco is standing over a paralyzed Ginny. "So, I guess we can all go to my office. I'll have the Minister come." McGonagall said and levitated Ginny.
Me and Draco followed her to the office and sat down as she laid Ginny on the ground.
All the Weasley's came in along with the Minister. Ginny was then  De- petrified and she sat up. Draco gave her wand to the Minister. "Ginny. I have been told every thing, so I condem you to Azkaban." The minister said.
She glared at us. "I just want what is mine. Harry please don't let them do this to me. I love you. More than that mutt ever can." She said.
I laughed. "You kidnapped me and nearly had me killed. Why would I help you?" I said.
Draco growled at her. "I think that Azkaban​ is to good for you, but it's what the Minister wants." Draco said.
She has tears falling down her face and began pleading for this not to happen. The Weasley's both look mad and slightly upset. "Please don't do this. She is only a child." Mrs Weasley said.
The Minister sighed. "I am sorry m'am, but she has kidnapped Harry, almost raped him, used illegal curses and housed a fugitive. She must be punished." The minister said.
"Snap her wand. Do anything, but she is my daughter." Mrs Weasley said.
The Minister shook his head. "It will only be for a year, then she will be out. Good bye." He said and Ginny then went through the floo and went away. The Weasley's then left, leaving Draco, Ron, Hermione, Pansy, Blaise, and I. I am sorry about this." Ms McGonagall said.
"It's okay. She deservs it." Ron said angerly.
Draco nodded. "I do think that she deserves it." Draco agreed.
I shrugged. "Yeah, but she is Ron's sister." I said.
Draco looked at me. "Are you defending her?" Draco asked.
I shook my head. "No. It's just..she is Ron's sister so it's kind of mean that he is not nice." I said.
Draco shrugged. "Well how about you all go to the common room." Ms Mcgonagall said.
We nodded and went to the room of requirement. "So now what? Ginny is in Azkaban, Voldemort is in the insane asylum, and Wormtail is dead. We have nothing to do." Ron said.
I laughed. "So this is what normal feels like. Relaxing and doing nothing." I said.
We all laughed, when the door banged open and Ginny came in with blood on her clothes and a insane smile on her face. "You'll be mine Harry!" she  said and lunged at me.
Draco turned wolf and jumped on her, both now on the ground.
"Get off me mutt!" Ginny yelled.
I got up and shot the binding curse on her. She froze and Draco got off, turning human. "How did you get away?" I asked.

Draco p.o.v
I smelled death on Ginny. "She killed the Arours." I said. Harry then sent a patronus saying that Ginny is back. "I am really getting tired of you bitch." I said.
She glared at me the best she could as some more Auror's came and took Ginny. I took out her wand, snapped it, and threw it in the fire place.
"I wonder if they are adding any more years on her sentence." Harry said.
I shrugged. "I don't know. Possibly. I mean she killed Auror's and escaped." I said.
Me and Harry sat down and he cuddled to me.

The next day Harry kept looking at me lustfully and panted a bit. I even noticed that his scent has became stronger and that his skin is hotter. He keeps getting close to me and would make me put my arm around him or just hold his hand.
"Harry are you okay?" I asked on our way to breakfast.
He smiled and had me put my arm around his shoulders, snuggling to my side. "I'm fine Draco. Why would I not be?" He said.
I hugged him. "No reason. You smell so good." I said. I then smelled his neck and he shivered.
We then walked into the great hall. "Morning Harry and Draco." Hermione said.
We both said good morning and began eating. Harry had me hold his hand as we ate, but I did not mind.
When Harry finished he cuddled to my side and relaxed.
"Harry are you okay?" Hermione asked.
"I'm fine Hermione. I just want to cuddle Draco." Harry said.
Hermione handed us our time tables. "We have no classes with Slytherins today." She said.
Harry pouted. "But I want to be with Draco." He said.
I kissed the top of his head. "Don't worry Harry. You'll live." I said.
He sat up. "But without you the heat is worse." He said.
We all looked at Harry. "Are you in heat?" I asked.
He shrugged and I groaned. Of course. That makes sense. The constant wanting touch and the good smell​. "Don't worry Harry you'll be fine." Hermione said. We left the great hall, me kissing Harry goodbye.

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