Chapter Fifty Two

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Draco p.o.v
After classes, my Harry was called up to dumducks office. Now I miss him so much.
Then the fat lady opened and Harry walked in. I ran to him and hugged him. "Harry I missed you so much. I love you." I said.
"I was only gone for twenty minutes Draco. But I'm happy my little puppy missed me." He said, petting my head.
"Can I go with next time my Harry?" I said and used the puppy eyes on him.
"I'll ask Dumbledore." Harry said, smiling at me. "Your my little puppy. Yes you are. Yes you are." He said and hugged me.
We sat at the couches. "I am not a puppy." I said.
"Yes you are. You are my puppy." He said and sat on my lap facing me.
"No. I am. Not. Your. Puppy. But you are my Harry." I said and licked his cheek.
"Eww Draco!" He yelled.
Pansy and Hermione came over. "Draco what did you do?" Hermione said.
"I licked Harry." I said.
"Draco why?" Pansy asked.
"He tastes delicious." I said and licked his neck.
"Eww Draco." Harry whinned.
"What?" I asked.
"That is disgusting. Stop." He said and poked my nose.
"Hm no." I said and pinned him to the couch and began kissing him.
I heard the girls walk out. Harry pulled me closer, deepening the kiss. Then I heard the portrait open. "My eyes! I'm blinded!" I heard a voice yell.
I pulled away and Ron is hugging Blaise, his head buried in Blaise's neck. "Get a room you two!" Blaise yelled and helped Ron up to the room.
"You wanna get a room?" I asked him.
He nodded. "We should use protection though." He said.
"Of course." I said and dragged him to the ROR.
"One second Harry. Ill be right back." I said and allowed him to go in as I went to find a potion so Harry can not get pregnant. Though him with my children is a nice thought.
Once I got the potion I ran back to the ROR and closed the door. Then I saw Harry laying on the bed, naked.
He smiled as I went up to him and straddled his waist. I gave him the potion and he drank it.
"Just wait a second." I said and began rubbing against him. I began taking my shirt off. He continued to look at me. Then I unbuttoned my pants and I took them off the rest of the way.

Harry p.o.v
After Draco took off his pants, he began rubbing his groin on my butt. I groaned. "Draco please. Just do it already." I said and moaned.
"Why so hasty Harry?" He asked.
"Mm. Please Draco." I moaned.
"If you insist." He said and thrust inside of me.
I gasped as he also began moving slowly inside of me. He smiled and began moving faster. "Draco! More please." I said and moaned.
He done as asked until eventually we both came and he collapsed next to me.
"I love you Harry." He said and kissed my temple.
"I love you to." I said and cuddled up to him.
Then we both fell asleep.

I woke up and cuddled more to Draco.
"Morning Harry." Draco said and kissed the top of my head.
"Morning Draco." I said and yawned.
"You ready to get up or do you want to wait a minute?" Draco asked, rubbing his fingers through my hair.
"Can we go take a bath?" I asked.
"Of course." He said and got up.
I held my arms out. "Up." I said and made a grabbing motion with my hands.
He chuckled and picked me up bridle style. I laughed a little as he carried me to the bath and set me in and turned on the water. He then climbed in behind me. When the water was all full, he turned it off and began to scrub shampoo and conditioner into my hair, massaging my head.
"So how do you feel?" He asked.
"Hmm. Light." I said and leaned back against him.

After our bath we went down to the great hall for breakfast. "We're have you two been!?" Hermione yelled.
"In the ROR having fun." Draco answerd.
"When I said get a room I did not actually think you would." Blaise said.
"Well we have some good news." Pansy said.
"Okay tell." I said eagerly.
"He-who-shall not be named tried to use the Obliviate spell, but it backfired and hit him. Now he remembers nothing and is in Saint Mungo's." Hermione said.
"That's great. Hopefully he will never remember." Draco said.
"Do you think we can visit him?" I asked.
"Well Dumbledore has cancelled classes for today so we can celebrate in our own way. He asked for us to go to his office after we eat." Ron said and stuffed his face.
So after we ate we all began our walk to Dumbledore's office.

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