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5 months Later

Harry p.o.v
I looked at myself in the mirror, frowning. I am fat. I don't see how Draco can even look at me. Draco came behind me and wrapped his arms around me. "What's wrong Harry?" He asked.
"I'm fat." I said and felt some tears fall.
"No your not. Your pregnant. There is a difference." He said and kissed my neck. "I love you." He said.
"How? Im fat and a freak. How can you love me?" I asked and began crying.
"Your not fat or a freak. I love you Harry. No matter what." Draco said.
"You promise?" I asked, starting to believe him.
"I promise." He said and kissed my forehead.

Time skip.

I feel as though it has been forever,but now I am laying in a hospital bed after a whole bunch of pain. I have finally had my child. Draco then came in with a doctor, who is holding a little child wrapped in a blue blanket.
The doctor handed him to me and I held him close looking at him. Draco sat on the edge of the bed, smiling.
"You know, with our luck he may have your horrible eye sight." Draco said and laughed.
I playfully glared at Draco as the doctor told us that he is in good health and that I can leave shortly. He then walked out leaving us.
I then handed Draco our child as I got ready to leave and we walked out. We signed the birth certificates and left the hospital, going home.

11 years later.

Me and Draco walked our son, Scorpio James Malfoy-Potter, to the Hogwarts Express. We then saw Blaise and Ron with there adopted son, Hugo Dame Zabini-Weasley.
Then Pansy and Hermione came with their adopted daughter, Rose Parkison-Granger. They all borded the train as we all said goodbye.

Draco p.o.v
Me and Harry went to our house with Hermione, Pansy,Blaise, and Ron. I took out some fire whisky and poured us some glasses. "So we finally have time away from the kids." I said.
"Having children is not that bad." Harry said and kissed my cheek.
We laughed. "Well now we can have some adult fun without worrying about children." Ron said.
We nodded and laughed. "That is true, but having kids is nice " Hermione said.
Harry laughed. "No it's not. It's painful." Harry said.
We all laughed at Harry's misfortune. "I'm sorry Harry. I love you." I said and kissed his cheek.

For the rest of the night we drank and I got an owl from Scorpio telling us that he misses us and loves us. We quickly sent one back saying good luck and goodnight and that we love him.

Harry and I got ready for bed and Harry walked out of the bathroom. I pushed him against a wall and began kissing him. I used a spell to make him not get pregnant and began taking off his clothes.
Harry pulled away. "I love you Draco." He said.
"I love you to. Now let me prove it to you." I said, then pushed Harry onto the bed and began biting at his neck. Harry pulled me close, allowing me to do as I wish. I ripped off his clothes and mine and took his member into my mouth. I began sucking, making Harry a moaning mess.
He whimpered as I got out a bottle of lube and put some on my cock and fingers. I began placing my fingers inside Harry and he moaned. Harry wiggled his butt as I pushed my fingers deeper in. Then I pulled them out and thrust my dick into him. I began thrusting in and out of him, making him gasp and moan.
I grabbed his member and began playing with that, making him move his hips. When we both came I collapsed next to him, breathing deeply. "I love you Harry." I said and cuddled him.
"I love you to Draco" Harry said.
We then both fell asleep in each others embrace.

The End.

Thank you all who has read and loved my book tell the end. You are all amazing. If any of you have not read my others books I advise you do. So. Thank you and have a wonderful life.

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