Chapter 20

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Josh's P.O.V

Ethan has just left the sidemen and by the looks of things the face of the earth too. We don't know how we're going to tell the others about this. They all love Ethan and to find out he's left because of us will surly brew something up between us all. I'm sad Ethan's left, of course. It's just the way it ended. Horrible. Neither Simon or I can get hold of him it's literally like he's just disappeared forever. He's not at his flat or anyone else's, he's not at his old house, I'm pretty sure he's not even in London at all. He's gone, but the thing is, he didn't want us to look for him anyway.

"We need to tell the others about this, Josh" Simon says sat in his gaming chair "They'll find out eventually anyway"

"I know. It's just when they find out it was our fault" I reply perched on his bed "They'll hate us" Simon then coms to sit next to me. He puts his arm around me to show he wants to help. I cuddle into his shoulder and wrap my arms around his waist.

"Let's call them. I don't want to see their reaction when I say it" I say, truthfully.

"Okay boo" Simon the gets out his phone and begins to call Harry. I think he'll take it the best out of everyone so it's good we started with him.

"Hello" Harry answers, his voice tinny from the bad reception.

"Harry, me and Josh have something to tell you"

Simon and I call all the other four Sidemen and tell them what's happened. Surprisingly they all understood and are helping to try and find Ethan. A lot better than I expected. But I don't think they see this as seriously as we do. Ethan's gone forever and even if he comes back he'll never accept us. We'll never get the old Ethan back.

Simon and I have now decided to go out and look for him. We need him back even if it's just to say goodbye. Which is a really sad thought btw. Vikk has come along too, I mean it'll only improve the chances of finding him. Simon and Vikk have gone off to find him at his flat again and I've gone to look for him at places I think he could be. I think I could have a good idea of where he could be.

After almost an hour of looking for him I get a call from Vikk. Maybe he's found him?!

"Vikk?" I answer.

"Josh get to the hospital now! It's Simon!" Vikk hangs up. My body freezes and I don't know what to do. Simon's in hospital? Oh my god, Simon's in hospital! I run to my car, jump in and drive straight to the hospital. I arrive and run into the reception.

"Where's Simon Minter?!" I say almost shouting still out of breath from running in.

"He's in the room just down the hall. But you're not allowed in yet. The waiting room is over there" She replies. I make my way to the waiting room and see Vikk.

"Vikk! What's happening?!" I ask.

"I don't even know! We were on our way to Ethan's flat and he just collapsed so I called the ambulance"

"Oh my god" I say over and over again rocking in my chair just waiting and hoping for Simon. He has to be Okay I can't do anything without him.

After around 4 hours of waiting and worrying a doctor comes into the waiting room, which at this point in completely empty except Vikk and I. I jump up and ask the doctor what has happened.

"I don't know whether you were aware but Simon has Chron's disease" the doctor looks sad; this can't be good.

"Yeah I knew that, carry on" I say trying to get whatever it was out of the doctor.

"What I didn't know this!" Vikk says.

"That's not important now!" I snap back at him.

"Simon's Chron's has flared up, bad. He has major blood clot and there was only one thing we could do" the doctor looks at me straight in the eye "We had to put Simon in a coma, there is a chance he won't ever come back out" I fall into the nearest chair and just bury my head in my hands.

"Can I see him?" I say through tears.

"Yes, follow me" the doctor then leads us to Simon's room. He looks so pale and fragile, he looks dead. He's just led in the dull hospital bed attached to various wires. Although he's right there I feel like he's so distant. Vikk and the Doctor leave me alone with Simon, out of respect I guess. I crouch next to him and grab his hand.

"Simon, I know you can't hear me but" I begin to cry, my tears falling onto our interconnected hands "I love you Simon, you're my everything. You can get through this. The Simon I look up to and love can get through this. You'll be fine. I'll see you later" and with a lot of guts and motivation I get up, kiss Simon goodbye and leave.

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