Chapter 22

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-Whiskey's P.O.V.-

As time ticks by, my foot impatiently taps the floor, as I watch the people bustle about their business. Files travel from hand to hand, delinquients escorted to their new lodgings for the night, radio chatter from all over the place. Telephones sing non-stop, hoping to be answered. The smell of alochol and sweat pollute the air.Was I forgotten? Did the officer really just forget about me? I get up from my chair and march up to the desk straight in front of me. The blonde woman behind the desk looks to be in her in 40's with wrinkles as evidence of her wear and tear.

"Excuse me, I was talking to Detective Carter earlier and she said to wait here for her to come back with more information," I say, trying to keep my cool.

The lady raises an eyebrow,"Then sit there and wait for her."

I frown,"She told me that two hour-"

As I look over the woman's head I see the detective and set off to weave through the disorganized mess of an office, straight towards her. She's maybe a little shorter than I am, so I really don't find her intimidating which is probably why I feel like I could do anything right now. Or maybe the fact that I'm an impatient pregnant woman.

"Detective Carter, did you get the information I asked for?" I ask her with an even tone. I don't want to come off too strong.

She turns to me and pastes on a half-hearted smile,"Miss Copper, um, unfortunately there hasn't been any advances on the case yet. But if we do get anything you'll be the first to know."

My jaw drops to the ground,"What do you mean you haven't found anything? I just sat there for two hours for you to tell me you haven't found anything?" I say, throwing my hands up melodramatically,"You guys are fucking shit you know that!"

I don't wait to her response because I turn and march off towards the exit. I guess if you want things done right, you're gonna have to do it yourself.

I pull out my phone and call Tina as I drive out of the parking lot and head towards the house.

"Hello?" Tina asks on the other end. I can hear Sydney laughing in the background.

"Hey Tina, it's Whiskey. I have another huge favor to ask you," I say pausing,"I need you want to watch Sydney for tonight and maybe most of tomorrow. Can you do that?"

"Yea, of course! I love your daughter!" Tina says in her bubbly tone.

"Alright thanks," I say, hanging up as I formulate a plan in my head the rest of the way home.

I get home faster than I expected so I hurry out of the car and into the house.

"Hey Whiskey you're finally back, how'd it go?" Robert asks, greeting me at the door.

I kiss him,"Hi babe, eh it could've gone better. They still don't have anything."

Robert takes my coat,"Aw, I'm sorry babe. Is there anything you need me to do?"

I stop and contemplate,"You know, maybe I could use your help."

"Sure babe, anything," Robert says walking into the kitchen.

"I need you to help with me to investigate," I almost whisper.

Robert stops in his tracks and looks at me,"Babe, I know Adam means a lot to you but you can't take this into your own hands. Just let the police take care of this."

"They aren't doing shit. And I think I can do it myself better. I think together we can figure out where Adam is faster."

"Baby, Baby. I love how much you want to find Adam, but remember, we're only actors. As much as I want to be, I'm not really a superhero," Robert says softly.

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