Scream, Shout, Let It All Out

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Have you ever wanted to just scream?Ever wanted to just let out a whole string of cuss words? Ever been so overwhelmed that you just couldn't hold it in any more?

Now have you ever wanted to do that and you couldn't? Either you couldn't because you were surrounded by people who would expect an explanation, or your parents that would frown upon the use of 'such language'? Or maybe you or so overwhelmed that you physically can't let out the scream. Or maybe you are physically incapable,period.

Well let it out. Right here. Comment. Let it all out. Scream. Type out every indecent word that you want to yell at the top of your lungs at this very moment? Got nothing? Come back when you do.

Done? Okay.
Do you feel better?
Now I want you to comment on another persons screams or cursing and let them know that they are not alone.

Somewhere in this world there is someone feeling the pain that I am feeling at this very moment. Somewhere in this world there is someone who feels worse than I do.

You are not alone!!

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