Missteps, Failed Plans, Moving On

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Sometimes things don't work out the way you planned.

Sometimes everything falls apart.

But that's okay.

Sometimes that's just Gods way of telling you that it's not meant to be.

This was not meant to be.

I was not meant to be with that person. Does that make me a little sad and disappointed? Yes. It does.

Maybe I wasn't meant to change schools this year. Maybe God is giving me this opportunity to work with kids at my church.

I don't know the plan he has for me but he does and I trust him.

I will pick myself up from this. I will move on. I will get through it with my eyes set on my future.

MY future. Yes someone may eventually weasel their way in, fitting themselves into my future but for now it's mine. Following Gods plan for me of course. I will work to do what I'm meant to do.

Times will be rough, it's inevitable, but I will KEEP MOVING FORWARD.

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