Ch.11 Event

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Lian's POV

He's keeping something from me? I exhaled some air hoping to ease the tension that I'm feeling. Why does it hurt.. if he does keep something from me I would... no Lian if he does kept something from you I'm sure he has a reason on why he did that, and he's not obliged to tell me anyway.

But I'm not yet sure if he does kept something from me. I should be thankful because he is taking care of me. I sighed again. Thirdy when are you coming home. I missed you. Sighting I moved a bit, I'm so pathetic.

"What's wrong?". I look at my side. Alexander is looking intently at me. I forgot I'm with him! Those things got me into a really deep thought.

"H-huh.. ah nothing. There's nothing wrong. Definitely nothing ha ha.." I faked laugh as I forced a smile. He moved closer to me. He put the back of his hand on my forehead. As if checking if ever I have a fever.

"Smith the-"

"Is something bothering you?" He cut me off. He look really concerned. And he's so close! I stared at him straight in the eyes while he's hand is still in my forehead. The same unreadable and mysterious pair of eyes is staring back at me. But it's giving away some feelings right now. I could see him worried at me. Aside from that nothing more.

Same nervous feeling buzz up me again. I hold his hand which is still in my forehead, and put it down slowly.

"Smith.. I'm okay" I said calmly.

"You sigh three times already." He's looking intently at me as if weighing my reaction. He moved his hand a bit, earlier I was the one holding it to put it down from my forehead, now it's his turn to hold my hand. He's rubbing it softly with his thumb, as if trying to soothe me.

"Ah that. Hahahaha it's just my project's deadline is tomorrow hehe." Well it's true tomorrow is the deadline of our project. But I'm already done with it. He then nod. I could see that he still didn't believe me but he just brush it off and started reading again. His hands though never left mine.

We're here in the library right now. Alexander mentioned earlier that they are having a ceremony later that is why they are all here. I smiled. I shouldn't think about it too much. He's been taking care of me for I don't know the reason. So I'm going to trust him.

"Thanks Smith!!! Your so kind!!" I yelled while one of my hand is in the air with a big smile. He look at me with a questioning look, not understanding why I was blurting that when he didn't know what he just did.

"SHHH!!" The librarian hissed.

"S-sorry!" Then I put my hand down. I can feel my self blushing. That was so embarrassing. I suddenly heard someone snort. I look at Alexander. He is covering his mouth while holding his laughter. I smiled. At least it's worth it. He then look at me still chuckling. Then he pat my head.

"What's happening to you? I guess you've became crazy watching that stupid anime." He said smiling.

"Anime is not stupid!" I whisper-shouted to him.

"Yes they are."

"Hey! you also watch anime."

"I only watch anime sometimes. And also the anime I'm watching is different." He then bit his lower lip.

"Different? Anime are just the same."

"Your watching stupid romance. Boys in there are gays."

"Oooh.. hey! they're not stupid and they are not gays. They are sweet and romantic. Not like real boys who are coward, selfish, cheaters, pi-" but then he cut me off.

"That's already too much. Your already insulting us, and generalizing."

"Im just telling the truth."

"Not all boys are like that." He glared at me.

"But all boys make girls cry." I shot back. He face palm at that.

"Stubborn head!"

"Shh!" I made him quiet. He glared at me. I just giggled.

Alexander then moved his hand a bit trying to hold my hand properly since I've moved too much earlier. I forgot that he's holding my hand. I looked at it where it's in between our chair.

I opened my palms a bit. He then slowly fixed his hand, his fingers interlocked with mine, like a couples hands on dates. I moved our interlocked hands on my lap to look at it closely. Alexander cocked his head my way as he stared at me intently. I just didn't mind him though. I observed our hands, his is really big compared to my slender hands.

Heat crawl up to my face and I could feel myself blushing as I realized everything. We're holding each other hands like a couple!

"Come in!" I heard from the inside. I went inside the principals office. Earlier I've been called here by the principal after our discussion. I hope I'm not in trouble. Im so nervous now.

"Good Afternoon Ma'am" I greeted her as I bow a little.

"Please sit down." she smiled at me. I followed her. She cleared her throat then.

"Ms. De Guzman, we've seen your records and your performances.." she stopped. I know I'm not smart but.. Now I'm more nervous. I think I did something wrong.

"So we decided that you will be the representative of our department for the Building Project for Students in Benville." She smiled at me. Benville City? I haven't been there.


"Don't worry Ms. De Guzman the school already took care of the hotel you will stay in. Actually there are one representative chosen from different courses. And in Architecture Department, you are our representative. You are being chosen according to your records and performance as I said earlier. Your OJT schedule is MWF right? So we excuse you from the firm to participate in this. They agreed fortunately. I thought we're going to get from the lower years."

"Ma'am about my transportation to Benville?"

"Oh you can drive on your own or if you want you can be with other representatives they'll travel by land. The Benville is actually 4 hours travel from here. But you can book a plane if you want, it will only be an hour."

"Ah.. Ma'am when will it be?"

"The 2 days from now Ms. De Guzman."

I nod then I went out. Where would I find a ride to go there? Well I have a car. But i don't know any place in Benvill. GPS maybe?

Benvill city... I have never been there. When I go out on vacation, its always out of the coun-

I then bump into someone.

"Oh my!" I lost my balance.. I closed my eyes, waiting for the impact but nothing.. I felt strong arms around me. And hard warm wall in front of me. A manly familiar scent surrounded me. Wait wall? No. It's a person. I opened my eyes and immediately found his eyes staring back at me. He's looking intently at me, while his brow furrowed. He clenched his jaw.

"De Guzman!!"

He looks mad. This is not good.


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