341 11 1

0500 hours

67 °F

Batalla, Tangashi sector

Day is back. I know I should be happy, but I can't find myself to feel it. How can I? This is the first time I saw him in ten years, the boy- no man who doesn't even know me anymore. He doesn't remember me, he probably never will. It's strange that for years I've been dreaming for him to come back, longing the good times we had together, before he forgot them all. And then there he is, showing up on my twenty-seventh birthday walked up and talked to me. My wish came true, but it only makes me more anxious. But then again, would he still want to know the June I've turned into, after all I've done? All these years I kept him away, betrayed him. Was I trying to spare his pain, or mine?


I go to my patrol at 06 00 hours, as my usual schedule. I am a commander now, and having to had known commander Jameson somehow made me try to be a good one. It wasn't hard, as I've spent almost all my childhood watching the cadets train. This morning however, I was hopeless. Watching the training even though my mind is drifting in and out of reality, almost forgetting which way to stand as the pledge on the jumbotrons blared. I didn't even notice Anden come. " Commander Iparis?"

my mind jerks back into place, " Elector, sir." I say, saluting.

" Going alright there?" then he leans in so only I can hear, " I heard that Day is back, June." he look at me worriedly, " Are you okay with that?"

" Sure, I'm fine with with it. We live in the present, not the past." I lie. The young Elector nods, and for a split second, he looks almost hopeful. But as quickly as it comes, the expression wavers away.  
"I'd better head off now Commander." he tips his hat politely and walks away, his uniform gleaming. All I can do is helplessly drift back into my thoughts.


The day pass through like a fog, deep and meaningless. Though my mind is moving hundreds of kilometers an hour, unable to be under control. Usually, I would remind myself to be logical-only logic and caution can save you in the moments of life and death. But nothing seems to work today, like my feelings have a mind on its own. As I walk through the streets, the branches of trees slicing the golden sunlight, I notice another figure. I squint into the sunlight, it looks vaguely familiar. Quickening my steps, I go for a better look. When I've got close enough, I suddenly realise who it is. Day. I freeze and duck behind the nearest garbage can, suppressing the nausea. Not now, I can't bear to let him see me. He walks on, unnoticed. I let out a sigh of relief. For a moment I just stare at his silhouette, stretched under the slanting sun. I feel like a different person, I don't know what to feel, what I'm supposed to do, like stuck between a crossroad, wondering which way to go. I miss Day, It's like an old wound that bounds us together, the one that refuses to heal.

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