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The awkwardness still lingers between us, our conversation from last night.
I had asked her about June.
Sometimes I wonder if it's really my fault all this happened, when I woke up in that hospital ward ten years ago, if it's my fault I lost two, freaking years of long term memory. No doubt they'd been important. I'm sure I know her, knew her. Though she might have changed in the years I've been gone, I know those dark, serious eyes, the face that separates its emotion though through a veil...

"Forget it cousin." I try to grin at Tess. "What's important now is to make this revolution, yeah? After what the Republic's done to our families?"
Tess nodded, uncertainly. But I decide this is good enough.
"They said it would heal over time."
It took me a second to realise she was still talking about, well, you-know-what.
"I'm getting there, I think." I shrug, staring at my own food, "Who knows? Maybe it will help now that I'm back here." 


"Whoa girl, how'd you get so good at hacking?" Pascao almost jumps back when June shows him the tiny security holes in the airbase security data.
June raises an eyebrow, "My brother wasn't just a soldier, you know."
My father's loyalties weren't exactly with the military either.
Tess frowns, making her eyebrows knot together in a familiar way, "Do we go in as guards, or-?"
"Inspectors," June says firmly, "You'll be with me, so they won't be suspicious." 
Her hands shakes slightly as she types in the codes, and her body cringes inward as she speaks.
A slight, masked movement, but it doesn't miss my sight.

Tess and Pascao moves to check on the disguises, so I shuffle into a seat next to June. 
She types away, eyebrows knitted together, fully focused on the screen. Loose strands of hair fall from her long pony tail, falling against her face, by now slick with perspiration.

Even at this state, she's still pretty cute. But different, she's not like anyone I flirted with before. June, she's a whole new thing, and even with all the weight on her young shoulders, I believe she can change the world. And my world.


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