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a sweet, familiar voice calls me through the earpiece.
"Tess, it's five minutes to midnight." I slur, still half asleep.
"No June, listen. Meet me and the patriots at the ten second place, now." The patriots? Had I heard right? She didn't mean her or Pascao but...and suddenly, Anden's words repeat in my head, 'the patriots, they're up to something,'
"June, are you still there?" 
"Yeah, I'll see you." I tell her, my mind is racing, Anden is right about the patriots. But why, why now, why after the war's over for ages?
"Um, one more thing," Tess' voice pipes up again, "There's someone I think you want to see."

The ten second place, as shabby as ever. God, the last time I've been here was when I was still tracking Day. The time when I was trying to lure him out using plague meds...wait, Day?
I suck in a breath, this is why Tess had chosen this place, probably why she called me in the first place, 'There's someone I think you want to see." she had said. But do I want to see him, Day, again? 

"Jeez, what took you so long, commander Iparis?" Pascao calls sarcastically as I jog towards the group, he shoots a wink at Tess. "Shh!" I scold playfully, "What would I say to the street police if I'm caught at this time in a patriot meeting?" 

" What's the tension prodigy? We all know that trouble's the last thing on your list." he shoots back again. But I'm not listening anymore. Something bright catches my eye, it's so light it seems to glow in the darkness, a boy stands a little left to Tess, hidden in the shadows, with the same two oceans I first saw in the dust. One perfect, one marked with a ripple. It's him, Tess kept her word, he's really here. 

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